18 January 1977 500 MHz Fiber Optic Communication Link Using An Injection Laser Diode
J. J. Pan, M. P. Arnold
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The microwave terminals, satellite ground stations, and CATV industries demand wideband, high-frequency communication links. A very-low-mesa-stripe Ga1-xAlxAs-Ga1-yAlyAs double-heterostructure (DH) injection laser diode (ILD), and a silicon avalanche photodetector (APD) have been utilized in a 500-MHz fiber-optic system to demonstrate high-frequency feasibility. The ILD, capable of being modulated up to 700 MHz with 1.25-dB/octave rolloff, coupled 4.9 mW into a single Corning low-loss fiber with microlens formed at the input end. Above 700 MHz, the distortion becomes severe due to relaxation oscillation. The frequency-dependent nonlinearity of ILD, which can be compensated by a special circuit design, has been analyzed by Volterra series. Using a gain equalization circuit in both the ILD transmitter and APD receiver, the system has very flat response up to 270 MHz and usable response to 500 MHz (S/N = 56 dB). Above 270 MHz, the gain is reduced due to the characteristics of the APD. With two tones (90 and 125 MHz), the system has an S/N (each tone) of 58 dB in 100-kHz bandwidth measurements. Without nonlinear compensation, the second- and third-order intermodulation products (IMP's) are 24 dB below the carrier. Presently, with special compensation network, IMP's of 33 dB below the carriers are obtained.
© (1977) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
J. J. Pan and M. P. Arnold "500 MHz Fiber Optic Communication Link Using An Injection Laser Diode", Proc. SPIE 0092, Practical Applications of Low Power Lasers, (18 January 1977);
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Avalanche photodetectors


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Fiber optic communications


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