5 September 2014 Thin-film-based scintillators for hard x-ray microimaging detectors: the ScinTAX Project
A. Rack, A. Cecilia, P.-A. Douissard, K. Dupré, V. Wesemann, T. Baumbach, M. Couchaud, X. Rochet, H. Riesemeier, M. Radtke, T. Martin
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The project ScinTAX developed novel thin scintillating films for the application in high performance X-ray imaging and subsequent introduced new X-ray detectors to the market. To achieve this aim lutetium orthosilicate (LSO) scintillators doped with different activators were grown successfully by liquid phase epitaxy. The high density of LSO (7.4 g/cm3), the effective atomic number (65.2) and the high light yield make this scintillator highly applicable for indirect X-ray detection in which the ionizing radiation is converted into visible light and then registered by a digital detector. A modular indirect detection system has been developed to fully exploit the potential of this thin film scintillator for radiographic and tomographic imaging. The system is compatible for high-resolution imaging with moderate dose as well as adaptable to intense high-dose applications where radiation hard microimaging detectors are required. This proceedings article shall review the achieved performances and technical details on this high-resolution detector system which is now available. A selected example application demonstrates the great potential of the optimized detector system for hard X-ray microimaging, i.e. either to improve image contrast due to the availability of efficient thin crystal films or to reduce the dose to the sample.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
A. Rack, A. Cecilia, P.-A. Douissard, K. Dupré, V. Wesemann, T. Baumbach, M. Couchaud, X. Rochet, H. Riesemeier, M. Radtke, and T. Martin "Thin-film-based scintillators for hard x-ray microimaging detectors: the ScinTAX Project", Proc. SPIE 9213, Hard X-Ray, Gamma-Ray, and Neutron Detector Physics XVI, 921312 (5 September 2014);
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Thin films

Spatial resolution

X-ray detectors

X-ray imaging


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