17 October 2014 EBM-9000: EB mask writer for product mask fabrication of 16nm half-pitch generation and beyond
Hidekazu Takekoshi, Takahito Nakayama, Kenichi Saito, Hiroyoshi Ando, Hideo Inoue, Noriaki Nakayamada, Takashi Kamikubo, Rieko Nishimura, Yoshinori Kojima, Jun Yashima, Akihito Anpo, Seiichi Nakazawa, Tomohiro Iijima, Kenji Ohtoshi, Hirohito Anze, Victor Katsap, Steven Golladay, Rodney Kendall
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In the half pitch (hp) 16nm generation, the shot count on a mask is expected to become bipolar. The multi-patterning technology in lithography seems to maintain the shot count around 300G shots instead of increase in the number of masks needed for one layer. However, as a result of mask multiplication, the better positional accuracy would be required especially in Mask-to-Mask overlay. On the other hand, in complex OPC, the shot count on a mask is expected to exceed 1T shots. In addition, regardless of the shot count forecast, the resist sensitivity needs to be lower to reduce the shot noise effect so as to get better LER. In other words, slow resist would appear on main stream, in near future. Hence, such trend would result in longer write time than that of the previous generations. At the same time, most mask makers request masks to be written within 24 hours. Thus, a faster mask writer with better writing accuracy than those of previous generations is needed. With this background, a new electron beam mask writing system, EBM- 9000, has been developed to satisfy such requirements of the hp 16nm generation. The development of EBM-9000 has focused on improving throughput for larger shot counts and improving the writing accuracy.
© (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Hidekazu Takekoshi, Takahito Nakayama, Kenichi Saito, Hiroyoshi Ando, Hideo Inoue, Noriaki Nakayamada, Takashi Kamikubo, Rieko Nishimura, Yoshinori Kojima, Jun Yashima, Akihito Anpo, Seiichi Nakazawa, Tomohiro Iijima, Kenji Ohtoshi, Hirohito Anze, Victor Katsap, Steven Golladay, and Rodney Kendall "EBM-9000: EB mask writer for product mask fabrication of 16nm half-pitch generation and beyond", Proc. SPIE 9235, Photomask Technology 2014, 92350X (17 October 2014); Logo
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Electron beam melting


Data conversion

Electron beams


Mask making


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