21 October 2014 Suitability of COSMO-SkyMed constellation for radargrammetric DEM generation
Domenico Conte, Fabio Bovenga, Alberto Refice, Davide O. Nitti, Raffaele Nutricato, Maria T. Chiaradia
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Proceedings Volume 9243, SAR Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques XIV; 924302 (2014)
Event: SPIE Remote Sensing, 2014, Amsterdam, Netherlands
The COSMO-SkyMed (CSK) constellation acquires data from its four SAR X-band satellites in several imaging modes, providing in particular different view angles. The present work investigates the potential of CSK constellation for ground elevation measurement through SAR radargrammetry. We selected an area around Parkfield (California), where several CSK acquisitions are available. We used for radargrammetric processing 2 CSK spotlight image pairs acquired at 1 day of separation, in Same Side Viewing configuration, with baselines of 350 km. Furthermore, a dataset of 33 spotlight images were selected to derive height measurements through both persistent scatterers interferometry(PSI) and interferometric processing of 5 1-day separated pairs included in the dataset. We first predict how the errors in the geometrical parameters and the correlation level between the images impact on the height accuracy. Then, two DEMs were derived by processing the radargrammetric CSK pairs. According to the outcomes of the feasibility analysis, processing parameters were chosen in order to guarantee nominal values of height accuracy within the HRTI Level 3 specifications. The products have a final resolution of 3 m. In order to assess the accuracy of these radargrammetric DEMs, we used the height values provided by the PSI, and an interferometric DEM derived from the CSK tandem-like pairs.
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Domenico Conte, Fabio Bovenga, Alberto Refice, Davide O. Nitti, Raffaele Nutricato, and Maria T. Chiaradia "Suitability of COSMO-SkyMed constellation for radargrammetric DEM generation", Proc. SPIE 9243, SAR Image Analysis, Modeling, and Techniques XIV, 924302 (21 October 2014);
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Synthetic aperture radar


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Interferometric synthetic aperture radar

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