7 October 2014 IF digitization receiver of wideband digital array radar test-bed
Weixing Li, Yue Zhang, Jianzhi Lin, Zengping Chen
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In this paper, an X-band, 8-element wideband digital array radar (DAR) test-bed is presented, which makes use of a novel digital backend coupled with highly-integrated, multi-channel intermediate frequency (IF) digital receiver. Radar returns are received by the broadband antenna and then down-converted to the IF of 0.6GHz-3.0GHz. Four band-pass filters are applied in the front-end to divide the IF returns into four frequency bands with the instantaneous bandwidth of 500MHz. Every four array elements utilize a digital receiver, which is focused in this paper. The digital receivers are designed in a compact and flexible manner to meet the demands of DAR system. Each receiver consists of a fourchannel ADC, a high-performance FPGA, four DDR3 chips and two optical transceivers. With the sampling rate of up to 1.2GHz each channel, the ADC is capable of directly sampling the IF returns of four array elements at 10bits. In addition to serving as FIFO and controller, the onboard FPGA is also utilized for the implementation of various real-time algorithms such as DDC and channel calibration. Data is converted to bit stream and transferred through two low overhead, high data rate and multi-channel optical transceivers. Key technologies such as channel calibration and wideband DOA are studied with the measured data which is obtained in the experiments to illustrate the functionality of the system.
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Weixing Li, Yue Zhang, Jianzhi Lin, and Zengping Chen "IF digitization receiver of wideband digital array radar test-bed", Proc. SPIE 9252, Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology VII, 92520O (7 October 2014); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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