The papers included in this volume were part of the technical conference cited on the cover and title page. Papers were selected and subject to review by the editors and conference program committee. Some conference presentations may not be available for publication. The papers published in these proceedings reflect the work and thoughts of the authors and are published herein as submitted. The publisher is not responsible for the validity of the information or for any outcomes resulting from reliance thereon. Please use the following format to cite material from this book: Author(s), "Title of Paper," in Imaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues XIII, edited by Daniel L. Farkas, Dan V. Nicolau, Robert C. Leif, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9328 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2015) Article CID Number. ISSN: 1605-7422 ISBN: 9781628414189 Published by SPIE P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, Washington 98227-0010 USA Telephone +1 360 676 3290 (Pacific Time)· Fax + 1 360 647 1445 Copyright © 2015, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. Copying of material in this book for internal or personal use, or for the internal or personal use of specific clients, beyond the fair use provisions granted by the U.S. Copyright Law is authorized by SPIE subject to payment of copying fees. The Transactional Reporting Service base fee for this volume is $18.00 per article (or portion thereof), which should be paid directly to the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923. Payment may also be made electronically through CCC Online at Other copying for republication, resale, advertising or promotion, or any form of systematic or multiple reproduction of any material in this book is prohibited except with permission in writing from the publisher. The CCC fee code is 1605-7422/15/$18.00. Printed in the United States of America. Publication of record for individual papers is online in the SPIE Digital Library.
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◾ The first four digits correspond to the SPIE volume number. ◾ The last two digits indicate publication order within the volume using a Base 36 numbering system employing both numerals and letters. These two-number sets start with 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 0A, 0B ... 0Z, followed by 10-1Z, 20-2Z, etc.
The CID Number appears on each page of the manuscript. The complete citation is used on the first page, and an abbreviated version on subsequent pages. AuthorsNumbers in the index correspond to the last two digits of the six-digit citation identifier (CID) article numbering system used in Proceedings of SPIE. The first four digits reflect the volume number. Base 36 numbering is employed for the last two digits and indicates the order of articles within the volume. Numbers start with 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 0A, 0B...0Z, followed by 10-1Z, 20-2Z, etc. Allen, Heather C., 0R Allier, C., 1A Anderson, Aaron S., 11 Auwerx, Johan, 04 Auyeung, Kelsey, 1L Auyeung, Kris, 1L Avti, Pramod K., 1M Awasthi, Samir, 15 Bakhsh, Turki A., 1V Baritaux, Jean-Charles, 1I Baselt, T., 1Q Batista, Ana, 0D, 19 Bélanger, Samuel, 1M Bienstman, P., 1F Blais-Ouellette, S., 0L Boadi, J., 1D Bordy, T., 1A Borisov, Sergey M., 06 Bourdat, Anne-Gaelle, 1I Braeken, Dries, 18 Breunig, Hans Georg, 0D, 19 Brucker, S., 05 Budde, Björn, 0F Butke, Ryan, 0R Castonguay, Alexandre, 1M Chan, James W., 0Z, 15 Chave, Robert, 0A Chen, Zhaomin, 0R Chung, Euiheon, 0C Cilwa, Katherine E., 0T Claes, Tom, 1C Clancy, Kathryn F. A., 0H Claus, D., 05 Clegg, Samuel M., 11 Coe, James V., 0R Collier, Bradley B., 15 Cooper, Christy L., 10 Coutard, J.-G., 1A Crane, Nicole J., 0T De Koninck, P., 0L Deng, Kexin, 0S Dinten, Jean-Marc, 1A, 1I Dmitriev, Ruslan I., 06 Dong, Di, 0K Durkin, Anthony J., 0A Eis, Annie, 07 Elster, Eric A., 0T Espagnon, Isabelle, 1I Ewerlöf, Maria, 0J Farkas, Daniel L., 0A Forsberg, Jonathan A., 0T Franke, Robert, 1K Ghanian, Zahra, 07 Gijs, Martin A. M., 04 Gmitro, Arthur F., 17 Hartmann, P., 1Q Hitchcock, Charles L., 0R Hoffman, Luis, 1C Hoffmann, S., 05 Holler, Stephen, 1L Holst, Gerhard A., 1K Hu, Yifang, 0S Huang, Shi-Hao, 1T Hui, Hui, 0K Hwang, Won Sang, 08 Isbach, Michael, 0F Jansen, Roelof, 1C Janssens, Stefan, 18 Jenkins, James, 06 Jia, Qiong Z., 1P Jin, Peng, 0W Kalra, S., 09 Kastl, Lena, 0F Kemper, Björn, 0F Kim, Dug Young, 08 Kim, Min-Gon, 0C Kim, Soo Hyeok, 08 Koida, Kowa, 1N Kondouri, Ganesh, 07 Kong, Beihua, 1B Kong, Lingbo, 0Z König, Karsten, 0D, 19 Kwee, Edward, 0O Labrecque, S., 0L Lagae, Liesbet, 18, 1C, 1F Lai, Keith, 0B Lambrechts, Andy, 18, 1C Larsson, Marcus, 0J Laryea, Jonathan A., 0B Laurent, Patricia, 1I Leary, James F., 10 Lee, Sang Hak, 08 Leif, Robert C, 16 Leif, Stephanie H., 16 Lempe, B., 1Q Leng, Chengcai, 0S Lesage, Frédéric, 1M Leszczynski, M., 09 Li, Jia Y., 1P Li, Ran, 0R Lieu, Deborah K., 15 Lin, Danying, 1U Lin, Jie, 0W Liu, Shanshan, 1B Liu, W., 1P MacKinnon, Nicholas, 0A Macluskey, M., 09 MacNeil, S., 1D Mangiarini, F., 0L Marcet, S., 0L Martin, Edward W., Jr., 0R Matcher, S. J., 1D McInroy, Rhonda E., 11 Menneteau, M., 1A Meredith, W., 09 Miles, Brett, 1L Miller, Barrie, 0R Mimnagh, G., 09 Mimnagh, W., 09 Mischinger, J., 05 Mizell, Jason S., 0B Mlikota, M., 05 Moeini, Mohammad, 1M Momey, F., 1A Moseley, H., 09 Mossey, P., 09 Moullan, Norman, 04 Mukund, Vignesh, 1C Mukundan, Harshini, 11 Muldoon, Timothy J., 0B Mulroe, Brigid, 1L Mun, Hyoyoung, 0C Muschler, George, 0O Najda, S. P., 09 Natsume, Mitsuo, 1N Navarro, F., 1A Nicolau, Dan V., 0H Nystrom, Steven V., 0R Oh, Gyungseok, 0C Osawa, Kentaro, 1E Osten, W., 05 Papkovsky, Dmitri B., 06 Park, Byoung Hee, 08 Paspaley-Grbavac, Milan, 1L Pauwelyn, Thomas, 18 Peng, Xiao, 1U Perlin, P., 09 Pouliot, Philippe, 1M Povoski, Stephen P., 0R Powell, Kimerly, 0O Powless, Amy J., 0B Prieto, Sandra P., 0B Qi, Jing, 1U Qiao, Xu, 1B Qu, Junle, 1U Ranji, Mahsa, 07 Reumers, Veerle, 18 Rommel, Christina, 0F Rottenberg, Xavier, 1C Rudek, F., 1Q Ryu, Youngjae, 0C Saager, Rolf, 0A Sakurai, Takashi, 1N Salerud, E. Göran, 0J Sangwal, V., 1D Schafer, Rachel, 17 Schäffer, T. E., 05 Schemmann, M., 09 Schierbaum, N., 05 Schmauder, S., 05 Schneider, B., 1F Schnekenburger, Jürgen, 0F Schultz, Emmanuelle, 1I Schumacher, P. M., 05 Schwentner, C., 05 Senda, Naoko, 1E Sepehr, Reyhaneh, 07 Shi, Liangliang, 0K Simon, Anne-Catherine, 1I Singh, Aparna, 14 Sinha, Lagnojita, 14 Slaughter, Tiffani, 0T Slight, T., 09 Sobrero, Maximiliano, 1L Song, Jeonghwan, 1C Song, Kun, 1B Song, Young Sik, 08 Stahl, Richard, 18, 1C, 1F Stenzl, A., 05 Strömberg, Tomas, 0J Su, Xuantao, 1B Sun, P., 1P Sylvestre, J.-P., 0L Tabatabaei, Maryam S., 1M Tarin, C., 05 Taudt, C., 1Q Teutsch, T., 05 Theaker, E., 09 Tian, Jie, 0K, 0S Tichauer, Kenneth M., 14 Tseng, Snow H., 1T Uchugonova, Aisada, 0D, 19 Valentine, R., 09 Vanmeerbeeck, Geert, 18, 1C, 1F Vasefi, Fartash, 0A Vercruysse, Dries, 1C Verhaegen, M., 0L Wang, Jun, 0K Wang, Kun, 0S Wang, Shiang-Jiu, 1T Wang, Yan, 1U Weber, U., 05 Wilke, M., 05 Wittmüß, P., 05 Woods, J. A., 09 Wurtz, Robert, 1L Xiang, Jialing, 14 Xie, Linyan, 1B Xu, Xiaochun, 14 Yan, Wei, 1U Yang, Cynthia, 14 Yang, Hui, 04 Yang, Xin, 0K Yang, Yan, 1B Yang, Yujie, 0K Yoo, Su Woong, 0C Zhang, Shuang, 0S Zhang, Yu, 0W Zhu, Shuaishuai, 0W Zou, Y., 1P
Conference CommitteeSymposium Chairs James G. Fujimoto, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (United States) R. Rox Anderson, Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Massachusetts General Hospital (United States) and Harvard School of Medicine (United States)
Program Track Chairs Ammasi Periasamy, University of Virginia (United States) Daniel L. Farkas, University of Southern California (United States) and SMI (United States)
Conference Chairs Daniel L. Farkas, University of Southern California (United States) and SMI (United States) Dan V. Nicolau, McGill University (Canada) Robert C. Leif, Newport Instruments (United States) Conference Co-Chairs
James F. Leary, Purdue University (United States) Attila Tarnok, Universität Leipzig (Germany) Rebecca R. Richards-Kortum, Rice University (United States)
Conference Program Committee Vadim Backman, Northwestern University (United States) Christopher H. Contag, Stanford University School of Medicine (United States) Paul M. W. French, Imperial College London (United Kingdom) Yuval Garini, Bar-Ilan University (Israel) DaeGab Gweon, KAIST (Korea, Republic of) Charles P. Lin, Wellman Center for Photomedicine (United States) Sacha Loiseau, Mauna Kea Technologies (France) Ramesh Raghavachari, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (United States) Sebastian Wachsmann-Hogiu, University of California, Davis (United States) Warren S. Warren, Duke University (United States)
Session Chairs 1 Functional Imaging Dan V. Nicolau, McGill University (Canada) 2 Optical Manipulation Dan V. Nicolau, McGill University (Canada) 3 Microarrays Dan V. Nicolau, McGill University (Canada) 4 Spectral and Multiparameter Imaging I Daniel L. Farkas, University of Southern California (United States) and SMI (United States) 5 Spectral and Multiparameter Imaging II Daniel L. Farkas, University of Southern California (United States) and SMI (United States) 6 Biomedical Imaging using a DMD or Other MEMS Array: Joint Session with Conferences 9328 and 9376 Michael R. Douglass, Texas Instruments Inc. (United States) Robert C. Leif, Newport Instruments (United States) 7 Biomedical Imaging with Advanced Microscopy using a DMD or other MEMS Array: Joint Session with Conferences 9328 and 9376 Michael R. Douglass, Texas Instruments Inc. (United States) Robert C. Leif, Newport Instruments (United States) 8 Cytomics and Histomics I Robert C. Leif, Newport Instruments (United States) 9 Instrumentation Robert C. Leif, Newport Instruments (United States) 10 Regenerative Medicine Attila Tarnok, Universität Leipzig (Germany) 11 Cytomics and Histomics II Robert C. Leif, Newport Instruments (United States)