20 February 2015 Temperature influence on diode pumped Er:CaF2 laser
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The goal of this work was an investigation of the temperature influence (in range from 80 up to 330 K) on the laser properties of Er:CaF2 ceramics, which is suitable as a gain medium for generation of radiation at 2.7 μm. The tested Er:CaF2 ceramics sample, prepared using a hot-forming technique, was doped with 5.5% of ErF3. The sample was in the form of plane-parallel face-polished 5.8mm thick plate (without AR-coatings). It was mounted in a temperature controlled cupreous holder, placed inside the vacuum chamber of the liquid nitrogen cryostat. A fiber coupled laser diode, operating in pulsed regime (3 ms pulse length, 20 Hz repetition rate) at wavelength 968 nm, was used for Er:CaF2 sample pumping. The 145mm long semi-hemispherical laser resonator consisted of a flat pumping mirror (HR @ 2.65 − 2.95 μm, HT @ 0.97 μm) and a curved (r = 150mm) output coupler with a reflectivity of ∼ 97% @ 2.65 − 2.85 μm. From the results it follows that the temperature of the active medium has a strong influence mainly on laser threshold (more than 8 times lower threshold power corresponded to the temperature 80K in respect to 330 K). The highest slope efficiency (2.3% in respect to absorbed power), obtained for the temperature 80 K, was more than twice higher than the slope efficiency for 330 K.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jan Šulc, Richard Švejkar, Michal Němec, Helena Jelínková, Maxim E. Doroshenko, Pavel P. Fedorov, and Vyacheslav V. Osiko "Temperature influence on diode pumped Er:CaF2 laser", Proc. SPIE 9342, Solid State Lasers XXIV: Technology and Devices, 93421S (20 February 2015); Logo
Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Semiconductor lasers


Temperature metrology



Laser damage threshold



100 mW Laser Diode Pumped Nd:YAG Laser
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