Open Access Paper
11 May 2015 Front Matter: Volume 9414
This PDF file contains the front matter associated with SPIE Proceedings Volume 9414, including the Title Page, Copyright information, Table of Contents, Introduction (if any), and Conference Committee listing.

The papers included in this volume were part of the technical conference cited on the cover and title page. Papers were selected and subject to review by the editors and conference program committee. Some conference presentations may not be available for publication. The papers published in these proceedings reflect the work and thoughts of the authors and are published herein as submitted. The publisher is not responsible for the validity of the information or for any outcomes resulting from reliance thereon.

Please use the following format to cite material from this book:

Author(s), “Title of Paper,” in Medical I maging 2015: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, edited by Lubomir M. Hadjiiski, Georgia D. Tourassi, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 9414 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2015) Article CID Number.

ISSN: 1605-7422

ISBN: 9781628415049

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Paper Numbering: Proceedings of SPIE follow an e-First publication model, with papers published first online and then in print. Papers are published as they are submitted and meet publication criteria. A unique citation identifier (CID) number is assigned to each article at the time of the first publication. Utilization of CIDs allows articles to be fully citable as soon as they are published online, and connects the same identifier to all online, print, and electronic versions of the publication. SPIE uses a six-digit CID article numbering system in which:

  • The first four digits correspond to the SPIE volume number.

  • The last two digits indicate publication order within the volume using a Base 36 numbering system employing both numerals and letters. These two-number sets start with 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 0A, 0B … 0Z, followed by 10-1Z, 20-2Z, etc.

The CID Number appears on each page of the manuscript. The complete citation is used on the first page, and an abbreviated version on subsequent pages.


Numbers in the index correspond to the last two digits of the six-digit citation identifier (CID) article numbering system used in Proceedings of SPIE. The first four digits reflect the volume number. Base 36 numbering is employed for the last two digits and indicates the order of articles within the volume. Numbers start with 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 0A, 0B…0Z, followed by 10-1Z, 20-2Z, etc.

Abad, Ricardo, 0Y

Abe, Yoshiteru, 33

Abolmaesumi, Purang, 1A

Acciavatti, Raymond J., 0N

Adachi, Hayato, 2A, 2V

Agarwal, Prachi, 0E, 1H

Aghaei, Faranak, 29

Agne, Jason, 0F

Ando, Takafumi, 0P

Andriessen, T. M. J. C., 2F

Antani, Sameer, 0X

Aokage, K., 1N

Aoyagi, Kota, 2S

Appelboam, Andy, 04

Arens, Raanan, 0Z

Armato, Samuel G., III, 1L

Ashab, Hussam Al-Deen, 1B

Ashraf, Ahmed B., 0O, 1Z

Astley, Susan M., 0L, 17

Avula, S., 2L

Baddar, Wissam J., 21

Bansal, Reema, 0H

Bar, Yaniv, 0V

Bency, Mayur Joseph, 0H

Bendl, Rolf, 3B

Bennink, Edwin, 12

Benz, Michaela, 3I

Beregi, Jean-Paul, 38

Berg, Wendie A., 0M

Bergeret-Cassagne, Héloïse, 2M

Bergtholdt, Martin, 0B

Berman, David, 1A

Bez, Helmut, 02

Bischof, Arpad, 2B

Black, Peter, 1B

Bloemen, Bart, 1I

Bluemke, David A., 34

Boag, Alexander H., 1A

Boehm, Kevin M., 0S

Boroczky, Lilla, 0B

Brandenburg, Vincent, 3J

Burns, Joseph E., 3D

Burtt, Karen E., 0S

Bydder, Megan, 17

Caoili, Elaine M., 1Q, 1S

Castaneda, Benjamin, 28

Castellanos, Gabriel, 0Y

Castro-Mateas, Isaac, 2D

Celaya-Padilla, José M., 3C

Cerrolaza, Juan J., 1D

Cevidanes, Lucia, 05

Cha, Kenny, 1Q, 1S

Chae, Eun Young, 26

Chae, Seung-Hoon, 26

Chan, Heang-Ping, 08, 0E, 0K, 18, 1H, 1Q, 1S

Chang, Kevin, 13

Chang, Silvia D., 2X

Chaudhury, Baishali, 15, 1U

Chen, Huayue, 3K

Chen, Marcus, 34

Chen, Weijie, 0A

Chen, Xin, 17

Chen, Xing, 35

Choi, Young-Wook, 26

Choyke, Peter, 0S

Chughtai, Aamer, 08, 0E, 1H

Ciompi, Francesco, 09, 1O

Cohan, Richard H., 1Q, 1S

Cohen, Mike-Ely, 2M

Conant, Emily F., 0N, 0O, 1Z

Conklin, Laurie, 1D

Correia, André Ricardo, 3H

Dankbaar, Jan Willem, 12

Dash, Jatindra Kumar, 2R

Davatzikos, Christos, 0O, 1Z

Debats, O., 0T

de Jong, Hugo, 12

de Jong, Pim A., 0D

de Leeuw, Frank Erik, 11

DeMichele, Angela, 1Z

Depeursinge, Adrien, 07, 0W

Derikx, Loes C., 3A

Deserno, Thomas M., 30, 39, 3J

de Vos, Bob D., 0D

Dhara, Ashis Kumar, 0H

Diamant, Idit, 0V

Dicente Cid, Yashin, 07

Dilger, S. K., 2T

Ding, Kai, 3G

Dirksen, Asger, 1O

Dorssers, Frank, 2P

Doshi, Trushali, 2N

Drukteinis, Jennifer S., 15

Duan, Chaijie, 1F

Duque, Duarte, 2E

Edirisinghe, Eran, 02

Eguchi, K., 1N, 2O, 2W

Ehrhardt, Jan, 2B

Ehteshami Bejnordi, Babak, 2P

Emaminejad, Nastaran, 1M

Evans, Gareth D., 17

Fairbanks, Duncan, 1S

Fan, Yong, 14

Farhidzadeh, Hamidreza, 1U

Fernandes, Valter, 3H

Fernández-Seara, María A., 0Y

Ferreira, Adriano, 2E

Ferreira, Ernesto, 2E

Ferrer, Jose, 28

Foncubierta-Rodríguez, Antonio, 07, 0W

Fonseca, Jaime C., 3H

Fonseca, Pablo, 28

Frangi, Alejandro F., 2D

Fränzle, Andrea, 3B

Frazer, Helen, 1X

Frouin, Frédérique, 2M

Fujita, Hiroshi, 2A, 2J, 2V, 33, 3K

Fujiwara, Michitaka, 3N

Fukui, Tatsumasa, 2J

Furst, Jacob, 1K, 2Q

Furukawa, Kazuhiro, 0P, 3N

Gadde, Soujanya, 17

Galarreta-Valverde, Miguel A., 38

Galván-Tejada, Jorge I., 3C

Gaonkar, Bilwaj, 0O

Garvin, Mona K., 0F

Gatenby, Robert A., 15, 1U, 2H, 2K

Gavrielides, Marios A., 0C

Geva, Ofer, 1P

Ghafoorian, Mohsen, 11, 2F

Gilbert, F. J., 0L

Gillies, Robert J., 15, 1U, 2H, 2K

Goldenberg, S. Larry, 1B, 2X

Goldgof, Dmitry B., 15, 1U, 2H, 2K

Gomes, Liliane R., 05

Gomes, Marcelo, 05

Gonçalves, João Roberto, 05

Goraj, B. M., 2F

Goto, Hidemi, 0P, 3N

Greenspan, Hayit, 0V, 1P

Grose, Derek, 2N

Gu, Yajia, 1Y

Guan, Yubao, 1M

Guerrero, Jorge, 28

Gundreddy, Rohith Reddy, 20

Gupta, Amod, 0H

Gur, David, 0M

Haak, Daniel, 39, 3J

Hachi, Siham, 2M

Hadjiiski, Lubomir M., 08, 0E, 0K, 18, 1H, 1Q, 1S

Haferlach, Torsten, 3I

Hall, Lawrence O., 15, 1U, 2H, 2K

Halter, Ryan, 1C

Hammond, E., 2T

Han, Hao, 1F

Handels, Heinz, 2B

Haq, Nandinee Fariah, 1B, 2X

Haq, R., 0L

Hara, Takeshi, 2J, 33, 3K

Harkness, Elaine F., 0L, 17

Hayashi, Tatsuro, 2J

Hayashi, Yuichiro, 3L

He, Xin, 1V

Helvie, Mark, 0K, 18

Henschke, Claudia I., 0G, 0I, 1G

Heskes, Tom, 11

Hillengass, Jens, 3B

Hirai, Toshinori, 2G

Hirooka, Yoshiki, 0P

Ho, Charles, 1L

Hoffman, Joanne, 1R

Hong, Helen, 23

Horiba, Kazuki, 2J

Hoshi, Hiroaki, 3K

Hoshmand, Vahid, 1Z

Howell, Anthony, 17

Hoyng, Carel, 1I

Hu, Xiaoxin, 1Y

Hu, Yifan, 0R

Huang, Xiaolei, 0X

Huisman, H., 0T

Hutchinson, Charles, 02

Hyams, Elias S., 1C

Iftekharuddin, Khan M., 10

Imani, Farhad, 1A

Išgum, Ivana, 0D

Ishihara, Tadahiko, 33

Ito, Masaaki, 3N

Jack, James, 02

Jackowski, Marcel P., 38

Jacobs, Colin, 09, 1O

Jankowitz, Rachel C., 0M

Jebri, Beyrem, 04

Jeong, Ji-Wook, 26

Jiang, Luan, 1Y

Jiang, YunQing, 0O

Jiménez del Toro, Oscar Alfonso, 0W

Jonas, Stephan, 39, 3J

Jones, Edward C., 1B, 2X

Jones, Terence, 02

Jose, Abin, 3J

Judisch, A., 2T

Jung, Bryan, 05

Kaneko, M., 1N, 2O, 2W

Kanematsu, Masayuki, 3K

Kang, Yan, 1M, 24

Kardon, Randy H., 0F

Karssemeijer, Nico, 0J, 11

Kashif, Muhammad, 39

Katafuchi, Tetsuro, 33

Katsumata, Akitoshi, 2J

Kawai, Ryosuke, 33

Kawata, Y., 1N, 2O, 2W

Kazerooni, Ella A., 08, 0E, 1H

Keller, Brad M., 0N, 0O, 1Z

Khan, Shadab, 1C

Khandelwal, Niranjan, 2R

Kharazmi, Pegah, 3M

Khojaste, Amir, 1A

Kim, Dae Hoe, 19, 21, 25

Kim, Edward, 0X

Kim, Eun Joon, 21

Kim, Hak Hee, 26

Kim, Hannah, 23

Kim, Hyeonjin, 23

Kim, Lauren, 13, 1R

Kim, Se Hyung, 0Q

Kim, Seong Tae, 19, 25

Kitasaka, Takayuki, 0P, 3L, 3N

Klinder, Tobias, 0B

Knapp, Karen, 04

Knoop, Tom H., 3A

Kobayashi, Toshiki, 2V

Konen, Eli, 1P

Kontos, Despina, 0O, 1Z

Kotagiri, Romamohanarao, 1X

Kozlowski, Piotr, 1B, 2X

Krappe, Sebastian, 3I

Krüger, Julia, 2B

Kumar, Prafulla, 2R

Kuriakose, Jean W., 08, 0E, 1H

Kurland, Brenda F., 0M

Kusumoto, M., 1N, 2O, 2W

Lai, Youzhi, 2I

Lazard, Diane, 2M

Leader, Joseph K., 16

Lee, Katherine, 1L

Lee, Sooyeul, 26

Lee, Tim K., 3M

Leenhardt, Laurence, 2M

Lefort, Muriel, 2M

Lelieveldt, Boudewijn P. F., 14

Lewis, E., 2L

Li, Ang, 2M

Li, Baojuan, 3O

Li, Lihong, 1F

Li, Lihua, 24

Li, Qiang, 1Y

Li, Qin, 0C

Li, S., 3E

Liang, Mingzhu, 0G, 1G

Liang, Xi, 1X

Liang, Zhengrong, 0R, 1F, 3O

Lieberman, Sivan, 1P

Lim, C. W., 32

Lim, Yit Y., 0L, 17

Lin, A., 3E

Linguraru, Marius George, 1D

Liu, Hong, 16, 3G

Liu, Jiamin, 13, 1R

Liu, Jordan, 0E

Liu, Shuang, 03, 0I

Liu, Yang, 3O

Long, L. Rodney, 0X

Lu, Hongbing, 3O

Lu, Le, 13

Lu, Yao, 0K, 18

Lui, Harvey, 3M

Luo, Ming, 3F

Lure, Fleming, 1M, 24

MacKenzie, Kenneth, 2N

Madhavi, Vaddepalli, 2R

Mahara, Aditya, 1C

Maidment, Andrew D. A., 0N

Maier-Hein, Klaus H., 06

Marchiori, Elena, 11

Margolin, Elza, 2Q

Marx, Mirko, 2B

Matsuhiro, M., 2O, 2W

Matsumoto, Sumiaki, 2S

Matsunobu, Yusuke, 1W

Maxwell, Anthony J., 0L, 17

Mays, Randall, 10

McMeekin, Scott, 3G

Meijs, M., 0T

Meinzer, Hans-Peter, 06

Mekkaoui, Choukri, 38

Mendoza, Julio, 28

Menegaux, Fabrice, 2M

Meriaudeau, F., 1J

Misawa, Kazunari, 3N

Miyajo, Satomi, 2A

Mizuguchi, R., 2O

Mizuno, Shinji, 3N

Moore, Kathleen, 3G

Moradi, Mehdi, 1A, 1B, 2X

Morais, Pedro, 2E, 3H

Mordang, J. J., 0J

Moreira, António H. J., 2E, 3H

Mori, Kensaku, 0P, 3L, 3N

Morishita, Junji, 1W

Morita, Syoichi, 3K

Moriyama, N., 2O

Moschidis, Emmanouil, 17

Mousavi, Parvin, 1A

Mukhopadhyay, Sudipta, 0H, 2R

Müller, Henning, 07, 0W

Muñoz-Barrutia, Arrate, 0Y, 2U

Münzenmayer, Christian, 3I

Murakawa, Masahiro, 1E

Murakawa, Saki, 2G

Muramatsu, Chisako, 2J, 33

Myers, Kyle J., 0C

Nakamura, Yoshihiko, 3N

Nakano, Y., 2O, 2W

Näppi, Janne J., 0Q, 2Y

Nawano, Shigeru, 3N

Newell, J. D., Jr., 2T

Niki, N., Jr., 1N, 2O, 2W

Nimura, Yukitaka, 3L, 3N

Nir, Guy, 1B

Nishio, Masami, 2A, 2V

Norajitra, Tobias, 06

Nosato, Hirokazu, 1E

Oda, Masahiro, 0P

Odhner, Dewey, 0Z

Ohmatsu, H., 1N, 2O, 2W

Ohmi, Kumiko, 2A

Ohno, Yoshiharu, 2S

Okazaki, Tomoya, 2S

Ortiz-de-Solórzano, Carlos, 0Y, 2U

Osman, Said, 3E

Otsuka, Mayu, 17

Ou, Yangming, 1Z

Paniagua, Beatriz, 05

Pastor, María A., 0Y

Pastor, Pau, 0Y

Patel, Smita, 08, 1H

Peng, Jennifer Q., 1D

Pereira, Fabricio, 38

Petrick, Nicholas, 0A, 0C, 0S

Petropoulakis, Lykourgos, 2N

Pezeshk, Aria, 0A

Philipsen, Rick, 1I

Phillips, Michael, 04

Pickhardt, Perry J., 0R

Pinho, A. C. M., 3H

Pinto, Joseph, 28

Pinto, Peter, 0S

Platel, Bram, 11, 2F

Platon, Alexandra, 07

Poletti, Pierre-Alexandre, 07

Pozo, Jose M., 2D

Prokop, M., 09

Pu, Jiantao, 24

Puigvert, Marc, 0Y

Qian, Wei, 1M, 22, 24

Queirós, Sandro, 2E, 3H

Qui, Yuchen, 20, 24, 3G

Raghavan, Meera, 1U

Raicu, Daniela, 1K, 2Q

Ramakrishnan, Vignesh, 30

Rangayyan, Rangaraj M., 0H

Ravikumar, Nishant, 2D

Ray, Shonket, 0N

Reeves, Anthony P., 03, 0G, 0I, 1G

Regge, Daniele, 2Y

Reuben, Adam, 04

Reza, Syed M. S., 10

Riely, Amelia, 1K

Ro, Yong Man, 19, 21, 25

Rodrigues, Nuno F., 2E, 3H

Romano, W., 3E

Rosen, Mark, 1Z

Rudyanto, Rina D., 2U

Ruellas, Antonio C., 05

Russ, Gilles, 2M

Russo, Robin, 2H

Sablan, Kyle, 1K

Sadek, I., 1J

Safdar, Nabile, 1D

Sahiner, Berkman, 0A, 0C, 0S, 1V

Sakanashi, Hidenori, 1E

Salcudean, Septimiu E., 1B

Salvatore, Mary, 0I

Samala, Ravi K., 0K, 18

Samuelson, Frank, 1V

Sánchez, Clara I., 1I

Sauerberi, Eric E., 1A

Schned, Alan, 1C

Scholten, E. Th., 09

Setio, Arnaud A. A., 1O

Shiotsuki, Kenshi, 1W

Sidibé, D., 1J

Siemens, D. Robert, 1A

Sieren, J. C., 2T

Sin, Sanghun, 0Z

Slabaugh, Greg, 04

Slump, Cornelis H., 3A

Song, Bowen, 0R

Soraghan, John, 2N

Spiteri, M., 2L

Stavrinos, Paula, 17

Stieger, James, 3D

Stoecker, William V., 3M

Styner, Martin A., 05

Su, Y., 31, 32

Sumkin, Jules, 0M

Summers, Ronald M., 0S, 13, 1R, 34, 3D

Sun, Wenqing, 22

Sun, Zhuo, 14

Suzuki, H., 2O, 2W

Sze, Raymond, 1D

Tachibana, Rie, 0Q

Takahashi, Eiichi, 1E

Takahashi, Katsuaki, 2V

Takeguchi, Tomoyuki, 2S

Tamaki, Tsuneo, 2V

Tamez-Peña, José G., 3C

Tan, M. L., 31

Tan, Maxine, 16, 20, 24, 29, 3G

Tan, R.-S., 31, 32

Tate, C., 0L

Tay, K., 3E

Taylor, Zeike A., 2D

Tee, Michael, 34

Teo, S.-K., 31, 32

Teramoto, Atsushi, 2A, 2V

ter Haar Romeny, B. M., 2F

Thai, Theresa, 3G

Theelen, Thomas, 1I

Tom, Manu, 30

Tong, Yubing, 0Z

Trésallet, Christophe, 2M

Treviño, Victor, 3C

Tseng, Tzu-Liang (Bill), 22

Tsuchida, T., 1N, 2O, 2W

Tsujimoto, Masakazu, 2V

Turkbey, Baris, 0S

Turkbey, Evrim, 13, 1R

Uchiyama, Yoshikazu, 2G

Udupa, Jayaram K., 0Z

Uranga, Javier, 0Y

Uthoff, J., 2T

van de Giessen, Martijn, 14

van de Leemput, Sil, 2P

van den Heuvel, T. L. A., 2F

van der Eerden, A. W., 2F

van Ginneken, Bram, 09, 1I, 1O

van Grinsven, Mark J. J. P., 1I

van Oterendorp, Christian, 30

van Riel, Sarah J., 09, 1O

van Rikxoort, Eva M., 1O

van Uden, Inge, 11

Velthuis, Birgitta K., 12

Venhuizen, Freerk G., 1I

Verdonschot, Nico, 3A

Viergever, Max A., 0D, 12

Vilaça, João L., 2E, 3H

Vliegenthart, Rozemarijn, 0D

Vos, Pieter C., 12

Wainer, Jacques, 28

Wang, Huafeng, 1F

Wang, Jui-Kai, 0F

Wang, Luyao, 3F

Wang, Shijun, 0S

Watanabe, Osamu, 0P

Wei, Jun, 08, 0E, 0K, 18, 1H

Weinstein, Susan P., 0O, 1Z

Weisenthal, Samuel, 0S

Wielingen, Geoffrey V. F., 0D

Wiemker, Rafael, 0B

Wilms, Matthias, 2B

Wilson, Mary, 0L, 17

Windridge, D., 2L

Winkler Wille, Mathilde Marie, 09, 1O

Wittenberg, Thomas, 3I

Wolf, Lior, 0V

Wolford, Larry, 05

Wolterink, Jelmer M., 0D

Wong, Ken C. L., 34

Wong, S. T., 31

Wood, Bradford J., 0S

Wu, Jia, 0O, 1Z

Wu, Peng, 35

Wu, Shandong, 0M

Wu, Xia, 2I

Xiaotao, Thomas, 1K

Xie, Qingguo, 3F

Xie, Yiting, 03, 0G, 1G

Xu, Fang, 35

Xu, Lele, 2I

Xu, Tao, 0X

Yabuuchi, Hidetake, 1W

Yaguchi, Atsushi, 2S

Yamagata, Hitoshi, 2S

Yamamuro, Osamu, 2A, 2V

Yan, Hong-jian, 35

Yang, Qing, 1X

Yang, Xiaofeng, 35

Yankelevitz, David F., 0G, 0I, 1G

Yao, Jianhua, 13, 34, 3D

Yao, Li, 2I

Yokoyama, Ryujiro, 3K

Yoshida, Hiroyuki, 0Q, 2Y

Yu, Ning, 0O, 1Z

Yuan, Rong, 3F

Zeng, Rongping, 0C, 1V

Zhang, Guopeng, 3O

Zhang, Jianying, 22

Zhang, Xi, 3O

Zhao, Yang, 1F

Zheng, Bin, 16, 1M, 20, 22, 24, 29, 3G

Zhong, L., 31, 32

Zhou, Chuan, 08, 0E, 1H, 1Q, 1S

Zhou, J., 0L

Zhou, Mu, 15, 1U, 2H, 2K

Zhou, Qin-Wu, 35

Zhou, Xiangrong, 33, 3K

Zhou, Xinxin, 3K

Zimmerman-Moreno, Gali, 1P

Zoghbi, Jihan M., 38

Zuley, Margarita L., 0M

Conference Committee

Symposium Chairs

  • David Manning, Lancaster University (United Kingdom)

    Steven C. Horii, The University of Pennsylvania Health System (United States)

Conference Chairs

  • Lubomir M. Hadjiiski, University of Michigan Health System (United States)

    Georgia D. Tourassi, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (United States)

Conference Program Committee

  • Samuel G. Armato III, The University of Chicago (United States)

    Susan M. Astley, The University of Manchester (United Kingdom)

    Stephen Aylward, Kitware, Inc. (United States)

    Kyongtae Ty Bae, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (United States)

    Matthew S. Brown, University of California, Los Angeles (United States)

    Heang-Ping Chan, University of Michigan Health System (United States)

    Marleen de Bruijne, Erasmus MC (Netherlands)

    Thomas M. Deserno, RWTH Aachen (Germany)

    Catalin Fetita, Télécom SudParis (France)

    Hiroshi Fujita, Gifu University School of Medicine (Japan)

    Maryellen L. Giger, The University of Chicago (United States)

    Hayit Greenspan, Tel Aviv University (Israel)

    Horst Karl Hahn, Fraunhofer MEVIS (Germany)

    Khan M. Iftekharuddin, Old Dominion University (United States)

    Nico Karssemeijer, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre (Netherlands)

    JongHyo Kim, Seoul National University Hospital (Korea, Republic of)

    Joseph Y. Lo, Duke University Medical Center (United States)

    Marius George Linguraru, Children's National Medical Center (United States)

    Kensaku Mori, Nagoya University (Japan)

    Janne J. Näppi, Massachusetts General Hospital (United States)

    Meindert Niemeijer, IDx, LLC (United States)

    Noboru Niki, University of Tokushima (Japan)

    Carol L. Novak, Siemens Corporation, Corporate Technology (United States)

    Nicholas A. Petrick, United States Food and Drug Administration (United States)

    Clarisa I. Sánchez, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre (Netherlands)

    Ronald M. Summers, National Institutes of Health (United States)

    Kenji Suzuki, Illinois Institute of Technology (United States)

    Bram van Ginneken, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre (Netherlands)

    Eva M. van Rikxoort, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre (Netherlands)

    Rafael Wiemker, Philips Research (Germany)

    Axel Wismüller, University of Rochester Medical Center (United States)

    Xiaofeng Yang, Emory University (United States)

    Hiroyuki Yoshida, Massachusetts General Hospital (United States)

Session Chairs

  • Musculoskeletal and Miscellaneous

    Axel Wismüller, University of Rochester Medical Center (United States)

    Rafael Wiemker, Philips Research (Germany)

  • Lung and Chest I

    Matthew S. Brown, University of California, Los Angeles (United States)

    Catalin Fetita, Télécom SudParis (France)

  • Vessels, Heart and Eye I

    Heang-Ping Chan, University of Michigan Health System (United States)

    Stephen Aylward, Kitware, Inc. (United States)

  • Breast I

    Joseph Y. Lo, Duke University School of Medicine (United States)

    Hiroshi Fujita, Gifu University School of Medicine (Japan)

  • Prostate and Colon I

    Ronald M. Summers, National Institutes of Health (United States)

    Hiroyuki Yoshida, Massachusetts General Hospital (United States)

  • Keynote and Novel Methods

    Kenji Suzuki, Illinois Institute of Technology (United States)

    Horst K. Hahn, Fraunhofer MEVIS (Germany)

  • Head and Neck

    Hayit Greenspan, Tel Aviv University (Israel)

    Khan M. Iftekharuddin, Old Dominion University (United States)

  • Breast II

    Maryellen L. Giger, The University of Chicago (United States)

    Susan M. Astley, The University of Manchester (United Kingdom)

  • Prostate and Colon II

    Kensaku Mori, Nagoya University (Japan)

    Janne J. Näppi, Massachusetts General Hospital (United States)

  • Vessels, Heart, and Eye II

    Thomas M. Deserno, University Hospital Aachen (Germany)

    Marleen de Bruijne, Erasmus MC (Netherlands)

  • Lung and Chest II

    Nico Karssemeijer, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre (Netherlands)

    Samuel G. Armato III, The University of Chicago (United States)

  • Multi-Organ

    Nicholas A. Petrick, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (United States)

    Carol L. Novak, Siemens Corporation, Corporate Technology (United States)


Following the success of previous years, the CAD Conference at the SPIE Medical Imaging Symposium 2015 again invited original papers on all aspects related to CAD, including: theory, overall system development, database construction, segmentation, feature extraction, classifier design, workstation design, and evaluation.

In 2015, the CAD Conference received 149 abstracts and offered acceptance to approximately 88%. Abstract submissions came from various countries including: United States, Japan, Germany, the Netherlands, South Korea, Brazil, India, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, France, Israel, Singapore, Spain, Portugal, China, and Mexico. The presentations spanned three-and-a-half days and included 64 oral presentations, 62 posters, a keynote address, a panel discussion, and a live demonstration workshop.


On Monday morning, Dr. Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood from IBM Research - Almaden (United States) gave the CAD conference keynote on “Role of machine learning in clinical decision support”. She was introduced by Dr. Larry Clarke from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), who discussed the importance of joint efforts among NCI, academia, and industry for big data collection, storage, and analysis, machine learning, publicly available datasets, and Grand Challenges.

In the very inspiring keynote, Dr. Syeda-Mahmood presented the new IBM research avenues and initiatives related to clinical decision support. She discussed the role of advanced machine learning techniques and presented examples from practical multimodal decision support systems such as the IBM AALIM (Advanced Analytics for Information Management) system. The IBM AALIM system pioneered a new direction in evidence-based medicine using the concept of patient similarity and exploiting consensus opinions of other physicians who have seen similar patients. The fusion of healthcare data with inference algorithms from artificial intelligence, machine learning techniques, and patient similarity is driving a multimodal approach for clinical decision support.

In addition, Dr. Syeda-Mahmood discussed the IBM Medical Sieve Radiology Grand Challenge: a worldwide collaborative research effort across IBM research labs that is expanding patient data and knowledge-driven learning methods to define new clinical decision support systems for radiologists. The next generation for clinical decision support, she said, will involve cognitive assistants using multimodal reasoning and machine learning in all stages of disease detection.

LUNGx: the CAD Grand Challenge

As part of the CAD Conference, SPIE, along with additional support from the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI), conducted a “Grand Challenge” on developing quantitative image analysis methods for the diagnostic classification of malignant and benign lung nodules. This LUNGx Challenge provided a unique opportunity for participants to compare their algorithms to those of others from academia, industry, and government in a structured, direct way using the same data set.

The results of 13 algorithms from 11 groups were compared. An algorithm presented by Lyndsey Pickup, Mirada Medical UK (United Kingdom), was identified as the winner, and an algorithm presented by Yoganand Balagurunathan, Moffitt Cancer Center and University of Arizona (United States) was named runner-up. During the conference, participants presented posters about their LUNGx methods and results. The Challenge winner and runner-up were invited to join the special panel discussion. Additional information, including updates and lessons learned from the LUNGx Challenge, will be published soon in the SPIE Journal of Medical Imaging.

Panel Discussion

The special panel discussion on Tuesday afternoon focused on the topic of “CAD Grand Challenges-Present and Future.” The moderators of the panel were Georgia D. Tourassi, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (United States) and Lubomir M. Hadjiiski, University of Michigan Health System (United States). The Panelists were: Samuel G. Armato, The University of Chicago (United States); Karen Drukker, The University of Chicago (United States); Laurence P. Clarke, National Cancer Institute (United States); George Redmond, National Cancer Institute (United States); Stephen Aylward, Kitware, Inc. (United States); Nicholas A. Petrick, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (United States); Lyndsey Pickup, Mirada Medical UK (United Kingdom), Yoganand Balagurunathan, Moffitt Cancer Center and University of Arizona (United States).

The panel provided a forum for discussion of the current experience with the LUNGx Challenge, other CAD grand challenges, and the future potential of these avenues for evaluation and testing of decision support systems. The panel included experts from academia, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) (United States), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (United States), industry, and the winners of the LUNGx Challenge. The panel members and audience discussed current and future opportunities for CAD Grand Challenges to become important testbeds and to enable cross platforms for decision support system evaluation. The panel agreed that by efficient planning and coordination among key organizing institutions, CAD Grand Challenges can play a vital role in the selection of promising classes of algorithms and systems for further clinical translational efforts and prompting advances in computer-aided diagnosis and ultimately precision medicine.

Live demonstration workshop

In our annual Tuesday evening live demonstration workshop, 13 research groups interactively presented their real-time demonstrations of CAD workstations. The workshop was organized by Stephen Aylward, Kitware, Inc. (United States), and Heang-Ping Chan, University of Michigan Health System (United States). The applications ranged from detection, characterization, treatment monitoring, surgery, segmentation, and visualization aids in breast, lung, brain, abdomen, bladder, and spine imaging.


Ibrahim Sadek, Université de Bourgogne, (France) from our CAD Conference was named the Robert F. Wagner Best Student Paper First-Place Winner for the entire 2015 Medical Imaging Symposium, for his paper, “Automatic discrimination of color retinal images using the bag of words approach,” [9414-54].

The high level of participation in all venues of the CAD conference gave a clear indication of the substantial active research work in the CAD field and the importance of the SPIE Medical Imaging CAD Conference as a major meeting place to present and discuss ongoing research and future directions.

Lubomir M. Hadjiiski

Georgia D. Tourassi

2015 Medical Imaging Award Recipients

Robert F. Wagner Award

Robert F. Wagner was an active scientist in the SPIE Medical Imaging meeting, starting with the first meeting in 1972 and continuing throughout his career. He ensured that the BRH, and subsequently the CDRH, was a sponsor for the early and subsequent Medical Imaging meetings, helping to launch and ensure the historical success of the meeting. The Robert F. Wagner All-Conference Best Student Paper Award (established 2014) is acknowledgment of his many important contributions to the Medical Imaging meeting and his many important advances to the field of medical imaging.


This award is cosponsored by:

00001_psisdg9414_941401_page_27_2.jpg The Medical Image Perception Society 00001_psisdg9414_941401_page_27_3.jpg

2015 Recipients:

First Place: Automatic discrimination of color retinal images using the bag of words approach (9414-54)

I. Sadek, D. Sidibé, F. Meriaudeau, Univ. of Burgundy (France)

Second Place: Automated pulmonary lobar ventilation measurements using volume-matched thoracic CT and MRI (9417-42)

F. Guo, S. Svenningsen, E. Bluemke, M. Rajchl, J. Yuan, A. Fenster, G. Parraga, The Univ. of Western Ontario (Canada)

Conference Awards

2015 Recipients:

Cum Laude Poster Award: A new CAD approach for improving efficacy of cancer screening [9414-74]

B. Zheng, M. Tan, Y. Qiu, The Univ. of Oklahoma (United States); W. Qian, F. Lure, The Univ. of Texas at El Paso (United States); L. Li, Hangzhou Dianzi Univ. (China); J. Pu, Univ. of Pittsburgh (United States); Y. Kang, Northeastern Univ. (China)

© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
"Front Matter: Volume 9414", Proc. SPIE 9414, Medical Imaging 2015: Computer-Aided Diagnosis, 941401 (11 May 2015);
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Image segmentation

Computer aided diagnosis and therapy

Feature extraction

X-ray computed tomography


3D image enhancement

Computed tomography

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