16 June 2015 Design and fabrication of multispectral optics using expanded glass map
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As the desire to have compact multispectral imagers in various DoD platforms is growing, the dearth of multispectral optics is widely felt. With the limited number of material choices for optics, these multispectral imagers are often very bulky and impractical on several weight sensitive platforms. To address this issue, NRL has developed a large set of unique infrared glasses that transmit from 0.9 to > 14 μm in wavelength and expand the glass map for multispectral optics with refractive indices from 2.38 to 3.17. They show a large spread in dispersion (Abbe number) and offer some unique solutions for multispectral optics designs. The new NRL glasses can be easily molded and also fused together to make bonded doublets. A Zemax compatible glass file has been created and is available upon request. In this paper we present some designs, optics fabrication and imaging, all using NRL materials.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Shyam Bayya, Daniel Gibson, Vinh Nguyen, Jasbinder Sanghera, Mikhail Kotov, Gryphon Drake, John Deegan, and George Lindberg "Design and fabrication of multispectral optics using expanded glass map", Proc. SPIE 9451, Infrared Technology and Applications XLI, 94511N (16 June 2015); Logo
Cited by 4 scholarly publications.
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Long wavelength infrared

Imaging systems

Optical design


Multispectral imaging

Optical components


New multiband IR imaging optics
Proceedings of SPIE (June 18 2013)
Layered chalcogenide glass structures for IR lenses
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Multispectral optics designs using expanded glass map
Proceedings of SPIE (July 01 2014)
Expanded IR glass map for multispectral optics designs
Proceedings of SPIE (May 17 2016)
Recent advancements in multiband IR sensor windows
Proceedings of SPIE (March 01 2012)

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