22 May 2015 Mid-IR lasers based on transition metal and rare-earth ion doped crystals
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We report a novel design of CW Cr2+:ZnS/ZnSe laser systems and demonstrate record output powers of 27.5 W at 2.45 μm and 13.9 W at 2.94 μm with slope efficiencies of 63.7% and 37.4%, respectively. Power scaling of ultra-fast Cr2+:ZnS/ZnSe Kerr mode-locked lasers beyond 2 W level, as well as the shortest pulse duration of 29 fs, are also reported. New development of Fe:ZnSe laser with average output power > 35 W at 4.1 μm output wavelength and 100 Hz pulse repetition rate (PRR) was achieved in a nonselective cavity. With intracavity prim selector, wavelength tunability of 3.88-4.17 μm was obtained with maximum average output power of 23 W. We also report new results on Tm-fiber pumped passively and actively Q-switched Ho:YAG laser systems. High peak power actively Q-switched Ho:YAG laser demonstrates stable operation with pulse energy > 50 mJ, 12 ns pulse duration, and 100-1000 Hz PRR which correspondents to more than 4 MW peak power. The actively Q-switched Ho:YAG laser system optimized for high repetition rate delivers 40 W average output power at 10-100 kHz PRR. The Ho:YAG laser with passive Q-switcher demonstrates constant 5 mJ output energy from 200 Hz to 2.23 kHz PRR with optical slope efficiency with respect to Tm-fiber laser of ~43%.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
S. Mirov, V. Fedorov, D. Martyshkin, I. Moskalev, M. Mirov, and S. Vasilyev "Mid-IR lasers based on transition metal and rare-earth ion doped crystals", Proc. SPIE 9467, Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications VII, 94672K (22 May 2015); Logo
Cited by 5 scholarly publications and 3 patents.
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Pulsed laser operation

Laser systems engineering


Q switched lasers

Fiber lasers


Second-harmonic generation


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