21 May 2015 Grid occupancy estimation for environment perception based on belief functions and PCR6
Julien Moras, Jean Dezert, Benjamin Pannetier
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In this contribution, we propose to improve the grid map occupancy estimation method developed so far based on belief function modeling and the classical Dempster’s rule of combination. Grid map offers a useful representation of the perceived world for mobile robotics navigation. It will play a major role for the security (obstacle avoidance) of next generations of terrestrial vehicles, as well as for future autonomous navigation systems. In a grid map, the occupancy of each cell representing a small piece of the surrounding area of the robot must be estimated at first from sensors measurements (typically LIDAR, or camera), and then it must also be classified into different classes in order to get a complete and precise perception of the dynamic environment where the robot moves. So far, the estimation and the grid map updating have been done using fusion techniques based on the probabilistic framework, or on the classical belief function framework thanks to an inverse model of the sensors. Mainly because the latter offers an interesting management of uncertainties when the quality of available information is low, and when the sources of information appear as conflicting. To improve the performances of the grid map estimation, we propose in this paper to replace Dempster’s rule of combination by the PCR6 rule (Proportional Conflict Redistribution rule #6) proposed in DSmT (Dezert-Smarandache) Theory. As an illustrating scenario, we consider a platform moving in dynamic area and we compare our new realistic simulation results (based on a LIDAR sensor) with those obtained by the probabilistic and the classical belief-based approaches.
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Julien Moras, Jean Dezert, and Benjamin Pannetier "Grid occupancy estimation for environment perception based on belief functions and PCR6", Proc. SPIE 9474, Signal Processing, Sensor/Information Fusion, and Target Recognition XXIV, 94740P (21 May 2015); Logo
Cited by 11 scholarly publications and 2 patents.
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Monte Carlo methods


Environmental sensing

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