3 June 2015 Fluorescent marker-based and marker-free discrimination between healthy and cancerous human tissues using hyper-spectral imaging
Thomas Arnold, Martin De Biasio, Raimund Leitner
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Two problems are addressed in this paper (i) the fluorescent marker-based and the (ii) marker-free discrimination between healthy and cancerous human tissues. For both applications the performance of hyper-spectral methods are quantified. Fluorescent marker-based tissue classification uses a number of fluorescent markers to dye specific parts of a human cell. The challenge is that the emission spectra of the fluorescent dyes overlap considerably. They are, furthermore disturbed by the inherent auto-fluorescence of human tissue. This results in ambiguities and decreased image contrast causing difficulties for the treatment decision. The higher spectral resolution introduced by tunable-filter-based spectral imaging in combination with spectral unmixing techniques results in an improvement of the image contrast and therefore more reliable information for the physician to choose the treatment decision. Marker-free tissue classification is based solely on the subtle spectral features of human tissue without the use of artificial markers. The challenge in this case is that the spectral differences between healthy and cancerous tissues are subtle and embedded in intra- and inter-patient variations of these features. The contributions of this paper are (i) the evaluation of hyper-spectral imaging in combination with spectral unmixing techniques for fluorescence marker-based tissue classification, (ii) the evaluation of spectral imaging for marker-free intra surgery tissue classification. Within this paper, we consider real hyper-spectral fluorescence and endoscopy data sets to emphasize the practical capability of the proposed methods. It is shown that the combination of spectral imaging with multivariate statistical methods can improve the sensitivity and specificity of the detection and the staging of cancerous tissues compared to standard procedures.
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Thomas Arnold, Martin De Biasio, and Raimund Leitner "Fluorescent marker-based and marker-free discrimination between healthy and cancerous human tissues using hyper-spectral imaging", Proc. SPIE 9482, Next-Generation Spectroscopic Technologies VIII, 948211 (3 June 2015); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Imaging spectroscopy


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Hyperspectral systems

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