12 May 2015 Tests of photocathodes for high repetition rate x-ray FELs at the APEX facility at LBNL
Fernando Sannibale, Daniele Filippetto, Houjun Qian, Christos F. Papadopoulos, Russell Wells, Toby Kramasz, Howard Padmore, Jun Feng, James Nasiatka, Ruixuan Huang, Max Zolotorev, John W. Staples
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After the formidable results of X-ray 4th generation light sources based on free electron lasers around the world, a new revolutionary step is undergoing to extend the FEL performance from the present few hundred Hz to MHz-class repetition rates. In such facilities, temporally equi-spaced pulses will allow for a wide range of previously non-accessible experiments. The Advanced Photo-injector EXperiment (APEX) at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), is devoted to test the capability of a novel scheme electron source, the VHF-Gun, to generate the required electron beam brightness at MHz repetition rates. In linac-based FELs, the ultimate performance in terms of brightness is defined at the injector, and in particular, cathodes play a major role in the game. Part of the APEX program consists in testing high quantum efficiency photocathodes capable to operate at the conditions required by such challenging machines. Results and status of these tests at LBNL are presented.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Fernando Sannibale, Daniele Filippetto, Houjun Qian, Christos F. Papadopoulos, Russell Wells, Toby Kramasz, Howard Padmore, Jun Feng, James Nasiatka, Ruixuan Huang, Max Zolotorev, and John W. Staples "Tests of photocathodes for high repetition rate x-ray FELs at the APEX facility at LBNL", Proc. SPIE 9512, Advances in X-ray Free-Electron Lasers Instrumentation III, 95121N (12 May 2015); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Quantum efficiency

Free electron lasers


Electron beams



Light sources


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