12 May 2015 Status of the PAL-XFEL undulator program
Dong-Eon Kim, Ki-Hyeon Park, Heung-Sik Kang, In-Soo Ko, Moo-Hyun Cho, Jochaim Pflueger
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Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL) is developing a 0.1 nm SASE based FEL based on 10 GeV S-band linear accelerator named PAL-XFEL. At the first stage, PAL-XFEL needs two undulator lines for photon source. The hard Xray undulator line requires 18 units of 5 m long hybrid-type conventional planar undulator and soft X-ray line requires 6 units of 5 m long hybrid type planar undulator with additional few EPUs for final polarization control. PAL is developing undulator magnetic structure based on EU-XFEL concepts. The key parameters are min pole gap of 8.3 mm, with period length 26 mm (HXU), 35 mm (SXU), and 5.0 m magnetic length. . In this report, the prototyping, and the development of pole tuning procedure, the impact of the background field error, and the effects of the girder bending on the optical phase error will be presented.
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Dong-Eon Kim, Ki-Hyeon Park, Heung-Sik Kang, In-Soo Ko, Moo-Hyun Cho, and Jochaim Pflueger "Status of the PAL-XFEL undulator program", Proc. SPIE 9512, Advances in X-ray Free-Electron Lasers Instrumentation III, 951206 (12 May 2015); Logo
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Free electron lasers


Electron beams

Error analysis

Polarization control


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