4 March 2015 Analysis and design of low noise column stage in CMOS ROIC for UV GaN focal plane array
Xiaojuan Li, Yonggang Yuan, Jing Xie, Jiqiang Wang, Ding Ma, Ling Wang, Xiangyang Li
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Proceedings Volume 9521, Selected Papers from Conferences of the Photoelectronic Technology Committee of the Chinese Society of Astronautics 2014, Part I; 95211S (2015)
Event: Selected Proceedings of the Photoelectronic Technology Committee Conferences held August-October 2014, 2014, China, China
A novel column-stage structure of readout integrated circuit (ROIC) for GaN ultraviolet (UV) focal plane array (FPA) working in “solar-blind” band is proposed. The column stage has better drive capability, higher dynamic range, stable bias current and low impedance. The noise voltage of the column readout stage is discussed, which has been reduced by small-current driving, column-stage sample and hold and the technology of divided-output-bus. This research on low-noise ROIC is designed for weak-current UV FPA. It is designed, simulated and laid out using the 0.35um 2P4M CMOS 5V process. The clock rate operates at 8MHz. The simulation input current sets 0.01nA. The output swing is 2.6V and power consumption is 40 mW according to the measurement results.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xiaojuan Li, Yonggang Yuan, Jing Xie, Jiqiang Wang, Ding Ma, Ling Wang, and Xiangyang Li "Analysis and design of low noise column stage in CMOS ROIC for UV GaN focal plane array", Proc. SPIE 9521, Selected Papers from Conferences of the Photoelectronic Technology Committee of the Chinese Society of Astronautics 2014, Part I, 95211S (4 March 2015); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Staring arrays

Readout integrated circuits

Ultraviolet radiation

Gallium nitride



Analog electronics


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