In electronic systems it is well established that when there is a magnetic field or spontaneous magnetization, the Hall effect, and in some cases the quantum Hall effect appears. We theoretically pursue analogs of these phenomena in magnons (spin waves) and plasmons. In the case of magnons in ferromagnets, the Hall effect or quantum Hall effect requires some kind of a spin-orbit coupling (similar to electronic systems), and we show that the dipolar interaction, as well as the Dyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, plays the role. By calculating the Berry curvature from the wavefunction, we can calculate thermal Hall effect for magnons in ferromagnets with dipolar interaction. We found that only the magnetostatic forward volume-wave mode exhibits the thermal Hall effect while the backward mode and the surface mode do not. In addition, by introducing some artificial spatial periodicity into the magnet, for example by fabricating nanostructures with two different magnets in a periodic structure or by making a periodic array of nanomagnets, we theoretically find appearance of quantum Hall effect in a certain range of the magnetic field. There appear chiral edge states which propagate along the edge of the magnet in one way. We call this a topological magnonic crystal. In the plasmon case, we should begin with constructing a fundamental band theory, and we theoretically show that on a metal surface with corrugations forming a triangular lattice under the magnetic field, the quantum Hall effect appears. It can be called a topological plasmonic crystal.