8 September 2015 Simple techniques for modeling wavefront error in imaging systems
Scott Schnee, Stephen Cota
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The performance of an optical system depends on the characteristics manufacturing errors of the mirrors, including aberrations on the primary mirror. When designing a system and evaluating its expected performance, the exact nature of the aberrations is not known beforehand, so approximations and simplifying assumptions need to be made. A common assumption is that aberrations of the primary mirror take the form of correlated Gaussian peaks and valleys about the ideal (perfectly spherical) primary mirror. The effect of such correlated Gaussian imperfections can be calculated in an average sense, using the optical quality factor (OQF) to modify the diffraction-limited modulation transfer function (MTF). Alternatively, a single instantiation of the aberrations can be added as phase variations to the pupil function, followed by calculation of the MTF. In this paper we compare these two methods of modeling the effects of correlated Gaussian aberrations on the MTF and point spread function (PSF). We explore the parameter space within which the OQF approximation is valid and the range of possible MTFs resulting from individual instantiations of the aberrations.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Scott Schnee and Stephen Cota "Simple techniques for modeling wavefront error in imaging systems", Proc. SPIE 9607, Earth Observing Systems XX, 96071B (8 September 2015);
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Modulation transfer functions


Spatial frequencies

Point spread functions

Error analysis

Optics manufacturing


Effects Of Mirror Surface Ripple On Image Quality
Proceedings of SPIE (November 04 1982)
Analyzing of mid-frequency-errors from optical manufacture
Proceedings of SPIE (October 15 2012)
Effects Of Mirror Surface Ripple On Image Quality
Proceedings of SPIE (December 28 1981)
PSF uncertainty and image estimation errors
Proceedings of SPIE (August 26 2008)

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