23 September 2015 Zoom lens design for projection optics
D. Doering, T. Milde, M. Hanft
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The optical design of zoom lenses for projection applications is a task which has to take many different aspects into consideration. The optical designer has to achieve a demanding specification with respect to monochromatic and polychromatic aberrations across a significant magnification range. Besides the requirements on image quality there are usually numerous constraints deriving from fixed mechanical interfaces that already have an impact in the very early design stages of the paraxial and monochromatic design. It has been proven essential to also include cost targets in the figure of merit during the design work. This paper will outline a systematic process for projection zoom lenses design. A solid specification of the design task in terms of magnification range, image quality therein, mechanical and cost requirements is necessary as starting point. Paraxial considerations are helpful to gain insight into the design problem and choose the appropriate zoom design type for further design work. Intermediate designs, which are only monochromatically corrected, proofed invaluable while considering mechanical design requirements. As soon the basic design requirements are fulfilled it makes sense to correct chromatic aberrations. Outstanding color correction requires extensive use of expensive glasses for secondary color correction. In order to find an ideal compromise between potential cost of an optical design and image quality achieved therewith, we employ tools to identify cost drivers as well as tools to simulate the perceived imaging performance. Together these tools also enable us to efficiently discuss specifications that drive cost without aiding perceived image quality.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
D. Doering, T. Milde, and M. Hanft "Zoom lens design for projection optics", Proc. SPIE 9626, Optical Systems Design 2015: Optical Design and Engineering VI, 962617 (23 September 2015); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Zoom lenses


Lens design

Optical design

Chemical elements

Projection systems

Image quality


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