16 October 2015 Passive and active EO sensing of small surface vessels
Ove Steinvall, Folke Berglund, Lars Allard, Johan Öhgren, Håkan Larsson, Elias Amselem, Frank Gustafsson, Endre Repasi, Peter Lutzmann, Benjamin Göhler, Marcus Hammer, Kennedy McEwen, Ken McEwan
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The detection and classification of small surface targets at long ranges is a growing need for naval security. This paper will present an overview of a measurement campaign which took place in the Baltic Sea in November 2014. The purpose was to test active and passive EO sensors (10 different types) for the detection, tracking and identification of small sea targets. The passive sensors were covering the visual, SWIR, MWIR and LWIR regions. Active sensors operating at 1.5 μm collected data in 1D, 2D and 3D modes. Supplementary sensors included a weather station, a scintillometer, as well as sensors for positioning and attitude determination of the boats. Three boats in the class 4-9 meters were used as targets. After registration of the boats at close range they were sent out to 5-7 km distance from the sensor site. At the different ranges the target boats were directed to have different aspect angles relative to the direction of observation. Staff from IOSB Fraunhofer in Germany and from Selex (through DSTL) in UK took part in the tests beside FOI who was arranging the trials. A summary of the trial and examples of data and imagery will be presented.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ove Steinvall, Folke Berglund, Lars Allard, Johan Öhgren, Håkan Larsson, Elias Amselem, Frank Gustafsson, Endre Repasi, Peter Lutzmann, Benjamin Göhler, Marcus Hammer, Kennedy McEwen, and Ken McEwan "Passive and active EO sensing of small surface vessels", Proc. SPIE 9649, Electro-Optical Remote Sensing, Photonic Technologies, and Applications IX, 96490I (16 October 2015); Logo
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