Presentation1The importance of demonstrating visually attractive Photonics Concepts to students.The Following Photonics Concepts, and a small selection of Prototype Designs (all constructed by students), will be demonstrated:- 1.1 Twin Linear Ronché Gratings and Moiré Fringes. 1.1.1 PowerPoint demonstration of the effect of relatively changing the angle between two sets of Ronché Gratings. 1.1.2 PowerPoint demonstration of the effect of the relative vertical displacement of one Ronché Grating with respect to the other stationary Ronché Grating.
1.2 Twin Circular Ronché Gratings and Moiré Fringes. 1.2.1 PowerPoint demonstration of the relative horizontal displacement of one Ronché Grating with respect to the other stationary Ronché Grating. 1.2.2 The optical analogy of Young’s Double Slit Interference Fringes.
1.3 Green Laser and x-y cross Diffraction Gratings. 1.4 Laser Diode and Multimode Fibre Optic Laser Speckle. 1.5 Automatic LED Oscillation Counting Device. 1.6 Five-Laser Beam Combination Lock. 1.7 Laser and Fibre Optic Activated Robotic Hand. 1.8 Laser Diode Diffraction Activated Robotic Finger. 1.9 Light Seeking Mobile Robots 1.10 Laser Activated Mobile Feet 1.11 Laser Speckle Eye-sight Test 1.12 Blind Person’s Tea Cup Level Sensor
2Additional Prototype DesignsAdditional Prototype Designs may be viewed, by appointment, in visiting Unit 1, off The Street in OpTIC 3Ingenuity in the Design of the ImpossibleIn the Photonics Academy at OpTIC, students are always asked to select one response from the following sequence of three questions:- 3.1 Who likes doing things which are – easy? 3.2 Who likes doing things which are – difficult? 3.3 Who likes doing things which are – impossible?
In the Photonics Academy at OpTIC, all the highly innovative Prototype Design outcomes materialize from a starting point that initially seems to be impossible. The impossible nature of the final outcome is always emphasized to the students, at the start of any Laser Photonics Design opportunity, and the ensuing challenge of attempting to achieve the impossible holds a great attraction for most students. Impossible outcomes are purely outcomes that just remain in the future. When students are encouraged to focus their attention on to a specific Photonics concept, together with the “impossible” challenge of how that Photonics concept might be used for the benefit of Mankind, most students’ imaginative thinking seems to be activated to a very perceptive level of original analysis. Young students really do appreciate an opportunity be become involved with the focused engagement of their imaginative thinking, when they realize that any Prototype Design outcome, which they may devise, also may be of benefit to Mankind. The achievement of the impossible simply means drawing the “impossible” future towards the “possible” present. This transitional drawing of the “impossible” future into the “possible” present always requires the gathering of the empirical evidence, through very precise and specific investigative observations. Once the investigative observations have become evident, an accurate analysis of the implications of all of the empirically acquired evidence quickly leads any student towards a realization that the “impossible” future is not all that far into the future, and that it is possible for such a student to reach out to grasp the “impossible” future, and then begin to draw the impossible towards the possible. The essential ingredients of Perceptive Knowledge are Insight, Imagination, and Ingenuity, all of which qualities are forward looking characteristics of a well motivated, and an inspired, student. In the experience of the Photonics Academy at OpTIC, to focus the attention of a student on to a specific Photonics concept, and then to offer that student an opportunity to achieve an impossible outcome that will be of benefit to Mankind, really does inspire a student to want to learn, want to acquire perceptive knowledge, and want to apply that knowledge to a highly innovative new application of that Photonics concept. The creation of imaginative Prototype Designs from within Photonics certainly does inspire students towards a desire for an acquisition of knowledge which is both perceptive, as well as useful. 4ConclusionPerceptive Empirical Design enables students to achieve quite outstanding and impressive changes within Science, through their personal Ingenuity of the Design of the Impossible. A student’s sense of Personal Achievement in developing an innovative and valuable Prototype Design, through his, or her, Ingenuity of the Design of the Impossible is of a very high quality factor.