18 March 2016 A wearable infrared video pupillography with multi-stimulation of consistent illumination for binocular pupil response
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The pupil response to light can reflect various kinds of diseases which are related to physiological health. Pupillary abnormalities may be influenced on people by autonomic neuropathy, glaucoma, diabetes, genetic diseases, and high myopia. In the early stage of neuropathy, it is often asymptomatic and difficulty detectable by ophthalmologists. In addition, the position of injured nerve can lead to unsynchronized pupil response for human eyes. In our study, we design the pupilometer to measure the binocular pupil response simultaneously. It uses the different wavelength of LEDs such as white, red, green and blue light to stimulate the pupil and record the process. Therefore, the pupilometer mainly contains two systems. One is the image acquisition system, it use the two cameras modules with the same external triggered signal to capture the images of the pupil simultaneously. The other one is the illumination system. It use the boost converter ICs and LED driver ICs to supply the constant current for LED to maintain the consistent luminance in each experiments for reduced experimental error. Furthermore, the four infrared LEDs are arranged nearby the stimulating LEDs to illuminate eyes and increase contrast of image for image processing. In our design, we success to implement the function of synchronized image acquisition with the sample speed in 30 fps and the stable illumination system for precise measurement of experiment.
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ou-Yang Mang, Mei Lan Ko, Yi-Chun Tsai, Jin-Chern Chiou, and Ting-Wei Huang "A wearable infrared video pupillography with multi-stimulation of consistent illumination for binocular pupil response", Proc. SPIE 9700, Design and Quality for Biomedical Technologies IX, 97000R (18 March 2016); Logo
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Light emitting diodes

Infrared imaging

Infrared radiation



Image processing

Imaging systems

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