Presentation + Paper
15 March 2016 Optical wavefront shaping for the enhancement of Raman signal in scattering media
Jonathan V. Thompson, Graham A. Throckmorton, Brett H. Hokr, Vladislav V. Yakovlev
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The ability to non-invasively focus light through scattering media has significant applications in many fields ranging from nanotechnology to deep tissue sensing. Until recently, the multiple light scattering events that occur in complex media such as biological tissue have inhibited the focusing ability and penetration depth of optical tools. Through the use of optical wavefront shaping, the spatial distortions due to these scattering events can be corrected, and the incident light can be focused through the scattering medium. Here, we demonstrate that wavefront shaping can be used to non-invasively enhance the Raman signal of a material through a scattering medium. Raman signal enhancement was achieved using backscattered light and a continuous sequential algorithm. Our results show the potential of wavefront shaping as an important addition to non-invasive detection techniques.
Conference Presentation
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jonathan V. Thompson, Graham A. Throckmorton, Brett H. Hokr, and Vladislav V. Yakovlev "Optical wavefront shaping for the enhancement of Raman signal in scattering media", Proc. SPIE 9717, Adaptive Optics and Wavefront Control for Biological Systems II, 97170M (15 March 2016);
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Raman scattering

Light scattering


Raman spectroscopy


Laser scattering

Tissue optics


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