4 March 2016 780nm-range VCSEL array for laser printer system and other applications at Ricoh
Naoto Jikutani, Akihiro Itoh, Kazuhiro Harasaka, Toshihide Sasaki, Shunichi Sato
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A 780 nm-range 40 channels vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) array was developed as a writing light source for printers. A 15° off missoriented GaAs substrate, an aluminum-free GaInAsP/GaInP compressively-strained multiple quantum well and an anisotropic-shape transverse-mode filter were employed to control polarization characteristics. The anisotropic-shape transverse-mode filter also suppressed higher transverse-mode and enabled high-power single-mode operation. Thus, orthogonal-polarization suppression-ratio (OPSR) of over 22 dB and side-mode suppression-ratio (SMSR) of 30 dB were obtained at operation power of 3mW at same time for wide oxide-aperture range below 50 μm2. Moreover, a thermal resistance was reduced for 38% by increasing a thickness of high thermal conductivity layer (3λ/4-AlAs layer) near a cavity. By this structure, a peak-power increased to 1.3 times. Moreover, a power-fall caused by self-heating at pulse-rise was decreased to 10% and the one caused by a thermal-crosstalk between channels was decreased to 46%. The VCSEL array was mounted in a ceramic package with a tilted seal glass to prevent optical-crosstalk caused by other channels. Thus, we achieved stable-output and high-quality beam characteristics for long-duration pulse drive.
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Naoto Jikutani, Akihiro Itoh, Kazuhiro Harasaka, Toshihide Sasaki, and Shunichi Sato "780nm-range VCSEL array for laser printer system and other applications at Ricoh", Proc. SPIE 9766, Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers XX, 976605 (4 March 2016); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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Vertical cavity surface emitting lasers


Refractive index




Anisotropic filtering


Progress in extended wavelength VCSEL technology
Proceedings of SPIE (March 13 2013)
Hybrid VCSEL: liquid crystal systems
Proceedings of SPIE (March 04 2015)
Development of high quality liquid crystal lens
Proceedings of SPIE (February 09 2007)
VCSEL array-based light exposure system for laser printing
Proceedings of SPIE (January 29 2008)

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