14 December 2015 A novel monocular visual navigation method for cotton-picking robot based on horizontal spline segmentation
ShengYong Xu, JuanJuan Wu, Li Zhu, WeiHao Li, YiTian Wang, Na Wang
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Proceedings Volume 9812, MIPPR 2015: Automatic Target Recognition and Navigation; 98121B (2015)
Event: Ninth International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (MIPPR2015), 2015, Enshi, China
Visual navigation is a fundamental technique of intelligent cotton-picking robot. There are many components and cover in the cotton field, which make difficulties of furrow recognition and trajectory extraction. In this paper, a new field navigation path extraction method is presented. Firstly, the color image in RGB color space is pre-processed by the OTSU threshold algorithm and noise filtering. Secondly, the binary image is divided into numerous horizontally spline areas. In each area connected regions of neighboring images’ vertical center line are calculated by the Two-Pass algorithm. The center points of the connected regions are candidate points for navigation path. Thirdly, a series of navigation points are determined iteratively on the principle of the nearest distance between two candidate points in neighboring splines. Finally, the navigation path equation is fitted by the navigation points using the least squares method. Experiments prove that this method is accurate and effective. It is suitable for visual navigation in the complex environment of cotton field in different phases.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
ShengYong Xu, JuanJuan Wu, Li Zhu, WeiHao Li, YiTian Wang, and Na Wang "A novel monocular visual navigation method for cotton-picking robot based on horizontal spline segmentation", Proc. SPIE 9812, MIPPR 2015: Automatic Target Recognition and Navigation, 98121B (14 December 2015);
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Image segmentation

RGB color model


Image processing algorithms and systems

Image filtering

Binary data



Color document analysis
Proceedings of SPIE (December 28 2001)
Precise horizontal location of license plate image
Proceedings of SPIE (October 30 2009)
A new method for fast vehicle license plate detection
Proceedings of SPIE (December 08 2011)

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