19 January 1989 Invited Paper Rationale For In Situ Environmental Monitoring With Fiber Optics
Larry Eccles, DeLyle Eastwood
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Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors (FOCS) permit real time, in situ environmental monitoring of selected pollutants without sample collection and at relatively low cost. The current emphasis on complex analytical laboratory based instrumentation requires sample collection and preservation (which may alter the sample) and long turn-around times. The concept of using in situ fiber optic chemical sensors (FOCS) for environmental screening or monitoring would permit real time analysis of selected pollutants without sample collection at relatively low cost. The current reliance on using complex laboratory-based analytical instrumentation designed for diagnostic analysis is not an efficient approach for routine monitoring or screening because it requires sample handling, long turn-around times, and highly skilled personnel. The development of FOCS systems would be a cost effective alternative for screening and monitoring for environmental pollutants. The scope and magnitude of the environmental monitoring needs both in the United States and globally are discussed along with the target chemicals most useful for ground water monitoring of hazardous waste sites. The rationale for different types of instrumentation for diagnostic, monitoring, and screening missions is discussed along with the different regulatory needs imposed by various American environmental laws. Performance specifications for FOCS are described. Some advantages and examples of present FOCS are given. The current status and future needs for R&D for FOCS are discussed.
© (1989) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Larry Eccles and DeLyle Eastwood "Invited Paper Rationale For In Situ Environmental Monitoring With Fiber Optics", Proc. SPIE 0990, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Applications of Fibers, (19 January 1989);
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Optical fiber cables

Environmental monitoring

Chemical analysis

Chemical fiber sensors

Fiber optics


Statistical analysis


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