The paper focuses on an innovative spherical wave beam quadratic order processor, HSCS
-1. It is an IP, Coulob Gauge based, to directly mesure, ∀t and in any single P ∀P (along the propagation axis too) the quadratic order Poynting Vector, with both the complex Linear Momentum (LiM) and Angolar Momentum (AnM) contributions, as well as the mutual quadratic order coherence function of any total or pseudo monochromatic observed beam wave.
The focoused spherical quadratic order method, directly mesure the spherical complex OAM (time and propagation axsis invariant) which is composed by the observed beam wave modes. Such solenoidal energy modes, becomes relevant to mesure far distance (as exemple: distance greater than billions of light years away) sources radiations.
Furthermore, HSCS
-1 contemporary and directly measure the mutual (spatial as well as temporal) complex coherence of any general complex divergent or not strictly TEM (as example: TEM+DEM) observed radiations. Tipically TEM+DEM radiations are characterized by N=LPM+1 complex wave beam modes. N is the number of considered EM fields modes, as great as requested; N and L are integer, which values are internal to a closed interval [0; ∞]; P and M are integer, which values are internal to a closed interval [1; ∞]; n=0,1,…,N is the mode or beam channel index; with l=0, 1,…,L; p= 1,…, P; and m = 1,…,M; n=l=0 is the fundamental mode index).
Here are considered only the wave beam modes which satisfy the related Helmoltz monochromatic wave equation soluctions. As well known in Physics, only adopting a quadratic order energy processor it is possible ∀t to contemporary and directely mesure in P, ∀P(θ; Φ; z) and ∀(P-P
0), both the proper P
0 position and quantity of motion (proper space time variations), or by a Fourier Transformation to contemporary and directely mesure proper phase and frequency spectrum variations, of the observed general radiation source.