CCD cameras and CMOS devices are the major electronic components of industrial metrology, which are vulnerable to
high level electromagnetic exposure.
Typical sources of exposure of electronics to ionizing radiation are the Van Allen radiation belts for satellites, nuclear
reactors in power plants for sensors and control circuits, particle accelerators for control electronics particularly particle
detector devices, residual radiation from isotopes in chip packaging materials, cosmic radiation for spacecraft and highaltitude
aircraft, and nuclear explosions for potentially all military and civilian electronics.
A total dose 5 ×103 rad was delivered to silicon-based devices in seconds to minutes caused long-term degradation.
We demonstrated adaptive grating, 3D image sensor for NDE metrology which is non vulnerable
for high level X-Ray1 and 3 × 106 rad gamma radiation exposure.
Sensor is based on adaptive holographic grating generated by 632.8 nm He-Ne laser - in doped electro optic Bismuth
Titanate (BTO) monocrystal.
Mathematical algorithm of bipolar model conductivity in BTO crystal has been applied for experimental analyses.
Applications of proposed sensor for airspace, military, nuclear and civil engineering industries have been discussed.