Presentation + Paper
19 September 2016 Beaconless operation for optimal laser beam propagation through turbulent atmosphere
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Corruption of the wavefront, beam wondering and power density degradation at the receiving end are the effects typically observed at laser beam propagation through turbulent atmosphere. Compensation of these effects can be achieved if the reciprocal conditions for the propagating wave are satisfied along the propagation range. Practical realization of these conditions requires placing a localized beacon at the receiving end of the range and high-performance adaptive optics system (AOS). The key condition for an effective performance of AOS is a high value of the reciprocal component in the outgoing wave, since only this component is getting compensated after propagating turbulence perturbed path. The nonreciprocal components that is present in the wave directed toward the target is caused by three factors (detailed in this paper) that determine the partial restoration of the structure of the beacon beam. Thus solution of a complex problem of focusing the laser beam propagating through turbulent media can be achieved for the share of the outgoing wave that has a reciprocal component. This paper examines the ways and means that can be used in achieving the stated goal of effective laser power delivery on the distant image-resolved object.
Conference Presentation
© (2016) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Anatoliy Khizhnyak and Vladimir Markov "Beaconless operation for optimal laser beam propagation through turbulent atmosphere", Proc. SPIE 9979, Laser Communication and Propagation through the Atmosphere and Oceans V, 997904 (19 September 2016);
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Atmospheric propagation

Adaptive optics

Wave propagation



Laser beam propagation



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