7 March 2022 Label-free measurement of human cells biophysical properties with a methodology combining microfluidic devices and digital holographic microscopy
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Biophysical properties (BPs) of a cell depend drastically on its physiological or pathological state. Thus, being able to accurately and non-invasively measure a set of cell BPs, that reflect these cellular states, is of major importance. To this end, we propose an approach that combines customized fluidic devices with digital holographic microscopy (DHM). Specifically, we have developed several low-cost 3D-printed millifluidic devices which when combined with DHM allow to measure in a controlled physiological environment specific cell BPs including intracellular refractive index, absolute cell volume, membrane flickering as well as cell elasticity and viscosity moduli.
Conference Presentation
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Erik Bélanger, Gabrielle Jess, Sara Mattar, Mohamed Haouat, Émile Rioux-Péllerin, Marie-Ève Crochetière, Jean-Xavier Giroux, and Pierre Marquet "Label-free measurement of human cells biophysical properties with a methodology combining microfluidic devices and digital holographic microscopy", Proc. SPIE PC11955, Microfluidics, BioMEMS, and Medical Microsystems XX, PC1195505 (7 March 2022);
Digital holography




Microfluidic imaging

Control systems

Environmental sensing

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