28 April 2023 Wave propagation in non-local piezoelectric metamaterials
Muhammad Bilal Khan, Peera Tienthong, Christopher Sugino
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This talk will investigate the dispersion properties of piezoelectric metamaterials with non-local circuit interactions. A general lumped-element dispersion modeling framework is developed and applied to piezoelectric media with non-local circuit coupling. While the contribution from the underlying mechanical lattice is always Hermitian, it is straightforward to make the overall system non-Hermitian using unbalanced or directional electrical interactions. In this way, piezoelectric metamaterials are a natural venue to explore non-Hermitian acoustic phenomena. Case studies are presented for various non-local circuit interactions and electrical lattices, highlighting non-reciprocal acoustic propagation, topological properties, and system stability.
Conference Presentation
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Muhammad Bilal Khan, Peera Tienthong, and Christopher Sugino "Wave propagation in non-local piezoelectric metamaterials", Proc. SPIE PC12483, Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems XVII, PC124830C (28 April 2023);

Wave propagation


Piezoelectric effects

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