Open Access
8 January 2018 Improved spectrometer-microscope for quantitative fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurement based on simultaneous spectral unmixing of excitation and emission spectra
Fangrui Lin, Mengyan Du, Fangfang Yang, Lichun Wei, Tongsheng Chen
Author Affiliations +
Based on our recently developed quantitative fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurement method using simultaneous spectral unmixing of excitation and emission spectra (ExEm-spFRET), we here set up an improved spectrometer-microscope (SM) for implementing modified ExEm-spFRET (mExEm-spFRET), in which a system correction factor ( fsc) is introduced. Our SM system is very stable for at least six months. Implementation of mExEm-spFRET with four or two excitation wavelengths on SM for single living cells expressing different FRET constructs obtained consistent FRET efficiency ( E) and acceptor–donor concentration ratio ( Rc) values. We also performed mExEm-spFRET measurement for single living cells coexpressing cyan fluorescent protein (CFP)-Bax and yellow fluorescent protein (YFP)-Bax and found that the E values between CFP-Bax and YFP-Bax were very low (2.2%) and independent of Rc for control cells, indicating that Bax did not exist as homooligomer in healthy cells, but positively proportional to Rc in the case of Rc<1 and kept constant value (25%) when Rc>1 for staurosporine (STS)-treated cells, demonstrating that all Bax formed homooligomer after STS treatment for 6 h.



Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) is an indispensable tool for monitoring intracellular instantaneous and weak biological processes in real time, including protein–protein interaction,1 conformational changes of proteins,2 activation of proteins kinases,36 and dynamic concentration changes of ions.7,8 Quantitative FRET signals, including FRET efficiency (E) and the concentration ratio (Rc) between acceptor and donor molecules, are essential for scientific communication and exact interpretation.911 However, the prerequisite of larger overlap between donor emission spectra and acceptor excitation spectra for FRET occurrence inevitably results in a significant overlap between donor and acceptor emission spectra (named as donor emission cross talk).12 Moreover, acceptor can also be excited directly under the excitation wavelengths of donor fluorophores (named as acceptor excitation cross talk).1316 The two spectral cross talks preclude separation of three spectral components: donor fluorescence, direct excitation acceptor fluorescence, and FRET-sensitized acceptor fluorescence.17

In 1992, Clegg18 described the concept of unmixing fluorescence spectra to gain FRET efficiency. Spectral linear unmixing of emission spectra (Em unmixing) has been widely used for quantitative FRET measurement.14,15,19,20 Contributions of donor and acceptor to the emission spectra of a given FRET pair can be easily resolved by Em unmixing due to their different emission spectra. However, the acceptor excitation cross talk must be corrected using an additional acceptor reference because of the same spectra of direct acceptor emission and FRET-sensitized acceptor emission.1315,17,21 The concept used for Em unmixing can also be applied to spectral unmixing of excitation spectra (Ex unmixing).22 Moreover, spectral linear unmixing of the combined excitation and emission spectra (ExEm unmixing) has the inherent ability to resolve the donor fluorescence, direct excitation acceptor fluorescence, and FRET-sensitized acceptor fluorescence without additional reference.16,17,22

With the advances of fluorescence spectroscopy and microscopy, ExEm unmixing has been tried for quantitative FRET measurement (ExEm-spFRET method).17,23 In 2013, Mustafa et al.16 demonstrated that ExEm-spFRET measurement with as few as two excitation wavelengths could obtain accurate E values and performed ExEm-spFRET measurement on a laser scanning confocal microscope with 405- and 488-nm excitation wavelengths for single living cells expressing a fluorescent Cerulean–Venus tandem construct. We recently set up a spectrometer-microscope (SM) by combining a fiber optic spectrometer and a wide-field fluorescence microscope for fast and high-sensitive quantitative FRET measurement using Em unmixing24 and also developed a wide-field microscope equipped with a liquid crystal tunable filter for quantitative ExEm-spFRET imaging in single living cells.25

In this report, we improved the SM system for implementing quantitative ExEm-spFRET measurement in single living cells. Moreover, a system correction factor (fsc) that can be predetermined using a donor–acceptor tandem reference with known FRET efficiency is introduced to modify ExEm-spFRET method (mExEm-spFRET). mExEm-spFRET not only has the inherent ability of resolving the donor emission cross talk and acceptor excitation cross talk without additional reference but also eliminates the influence of the emission transmission characteristics of the instrument used on quantitative FRET measurement. We implemented mExEm-spFRET measurement with four (405, 436, 470, and 480 nm) or two (405 and 470 nm, 405 and 480 nm, 436 and 470 nm, and 436 and 480 nm) excitation wavelengths on our SM platform for single living cells expressing different FRET constructs and obtained consistent E and Rc values. Quantitative mExEm-spFRET measurement for HeLa cells coexpressing CFP-Bax and YFP-Bax showed that the E values between CFP-Bax and YFP-Bax were about 2.2% independent of Rc for control cells, indicating that Bax did not exist as homooligomer in healthy cells, but positively proportional to Rc in the case of Rc<1 and kept constant value (25%) when Rc>1 for staurosporine (STS)-treated cells, demonstrating that all Bax formed homooligomer after STS treatment for 6 h.


Materials and Methods


Improved Spectrometer-Microscope

The improved SM consists of a wide-field fluorescence microscope (IX73, Olympus, Japan) equipped with a metal halide lamp (HGLGPS, Olympus, Japan), a 40×/1.3 NA oil objective (UPLFLN40XO, Olympus, Japan), a CCD (ORCA-Flash 4.0, Hamamatsu, Japan), a fiber optic spectrometer (QE65 Pro, Ocean Optics, Florida), and a customized excitation filters wheel. As shown in Fig. 1, five different bandpass excitation filters are installed in the excitation filters wheel. In our study, four different excitations of 405/20  nm (Ex405), 436/20  nm (Ex436), 470/20  nm (Ex470), and 480/20  nm (Ex480) (Chroma, United States) are used for ExEm-spFRET and mExEm-spFRET measurement. Excitation of 510/20  nm (Ex510) (Chroma, United States) is used for emp-PbFRET measurement. Excitations of both Ex405 and Ex436 share the same filter cube that contains a DM455 (455-nm dichroic mirror, D455) (Olympus, Japan) and an ET460lp (long-pass emission filter of 460 nm, LP460) (Chroma, United States). Similarly, excitations of both Ex470 and Ex480 share another filter cube that contains a DM490 (490-nm dichroic mirror, D490) (Olympus, Japan) and an ET495lp (long-pass emission filter of 495 nm, LP495) (Chroma, United States). The illumination intensity can be attenuated in seven discrete steps (0%, 3%, 6%, 12%, 25%, 50%, and 100%), and another neutral density filters controller with three discrete steps (1%, 3%, and empty) can be used for the same purpose. Donor excitation and donor detection (DD) cube containing a DM460 (460-nm dichroic mirror, D460) and an ET480/30m (bandpass emission filter of 480/30  nm, BP480/30) (Chroma, United States) and acceptor excitation and acceptor detection (AA) cube containing a DM515 (515-nm dichroic mirror, D515) and an ET550/40m (bandpass emission filter of 550/40  nm, BP550/40) (Chroma, United States) are used to estimate the coexpression of both donor and acceptor in single living cells.

Fig. 1

Illustration of SM. Excitation filters wheel contains five bandpass excitation filters: Ex405, Ex436, Ex470, Ex480, and Ex510. Cube wheel contains four cubes: D455 cube containing a 455-nm dichroic mirror (D455) and a long-pass emission filter of 460 nm (LP460), D490 cube containing a 490-nm dichroic mirror (D490) and a long-pass emission filter of 495 nm (LP495), DD cube containing a 460-nm dichroic mirror (D460) and a bandpass emission filter of 480/30  nm (BP480/30), and AA cube containing a 515-nm dichroic mirror (D515) and a bandpass emission filter of 550/40  nm (BP550/40). Two detection channels: CCD imaging channel (a) and spectral detection channel (b).


SM has two independent detection modes: (a) microscopic imaging in CCD channel, offering a guidance for finding cells, and (b) spectral detection in spectrometer channel, recording emission spectra of the guided cells in the middle of CCD channel. Each count(λ) or E(λ) at the emission wavelength is related to the photons in about a 0.761-nm wavelength range. Spectral detection range is from 460 to 620 nm in this report.


Modified ExEm-spFRET Method

ExEm-spFRET method we recently developed25 is modified using a system correction factor (fsc) as follows (mExEm-spFRET):

Eq. (1)


Eq. (2)

where rQ is the quantum yield ratio of acceptor to donor, rk is defined as the ratio of total acceptor extinction coefficient to total donor extinction coefficient at all excitation wavelengths, and WD, WA, and WS are the weight factors of donor, acceptor, and donor–acceptor sensitization, respectively. Linearly unmixing the measured excitation–emission spectrum (SDA) of an FRET sample into the unit-area-normalized excitation–emission spectral fingerprints of donor (SD) and acceptor (SA) as well as donor–acceptor sensitization (SS) is as follows:25

Eq. (3)


A donor–acceptor tandem reference with known Eref and RCref can be used to predetermine fsc and rk as follows:

Eq. (4)


Eq. (5)


In reality, Eref can also be determined using some FRET methods, such as three-cube-based acceptor-sensitized emission method (E-FRET)10 or partial acceptor photobleaching method (emp-PbFRET).26


Partial Acceptor Photobleaching Method

Quantitative emp-PbFRET measurement was performed on SM for predetermining the Eref of a 1D-nA tandem reference which contains one donor (D) and n acceptor (A). Ex436 excitation was used to excite donor (Cerulean/CFP), and Ex510 excitation was used to selectively excite acceptor (Venus/YFP). Donor detection channel (CHD) from 470 to 490 nm was used to selectively collect donor emission, and acceptor detection channel (CHA) from 530 to 550 nm was used to mainly collect acceptor emission. The Eref value of 1D-nA construct can be measured as follows:11,26

Eq. (6)

where IDD and IDDpost are the donor intensity (fluorescence count) in CHD channel with donor excitation before and after partial acceptor photobleaching, respectively. IAA and IAApost are the acceptor intensity (fluorescence count) in CHA channel with selective acceptor excitation before and after partial acceptor photobleaching, respectively, and x is the photobleaching degree of acceptor calculated as x=(IAAIAApost)/IAA.


Calibration of SM

Careful calibration of SM was carried out with a halogen tungsten lamp (ISP-REF-CAL, Ocean Optics, Dunedin, Florida) just as described previously.24 We first used a spectrometer (QE65 Pro, Ocean Optics, Florida) precalibrated by a standard light source (LS-1-CAL, Ocean Optics, Florida) to measure the spectrum [E(λ)] of the halogen tungsten lamp. We next used the spectrometer to measure the spectrum [countlamp(λ)] at the export of our microscope when the halogen tungsten lamp was placed on the objective of the microscope. The emission spectral response was calculated using K(λ)=E(λ)/countlamp(λ).


Reagent and Plasmids

Plasmids DNA of Cerulean (C), Venus (V), CFP, and YFP were purchased from Addgene Company (Cambridge, Massachusetts). FRET tandem constructs, including C32V, CVC, and VCV, were kindly provided by the Vogel lab (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland).19,27 Plasmids DNA of CFP-Bax and YFP-Bax were kindly provided by Dr. Prehn.1 Plasmid DNA of 18AA was kindly given by Professor Kaminski.11 STS was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Co. LLC (Santa Clara).


Cell Culture and Transfection

HeLa cells obtained from the Department of Medicine, Jinan University (Guangzhou, China) were cultured just as described previously.28 When the cells reached 70% to 90% confluence in a 35-mm glass dish, plasmids were transfected into cells by Turbofect™ (Fermentas Inc., Glen Burnie, Maryland) for 24 h.


Results and Discussion


Calibration of SM

We first measured the emission spectral responses [K(λ)] of our SM system as shown in Fig. 7. We used the spectrometer to measure the spectrum [E(λ), black solid line] of the halogen tungsten lamp and the spectrum [countlamp(λ), black dot line] at the export of our microscope with D455 cube (a) and D490 cube (b), respectively, when the halogen tungsten lamp was placed on the objective of our microscope. K1(λ) for D455 cube and K2(λ) for D490 cube are also shown in Fig. 7 (gray solid line). Throughout the paper, emission count spectra with Ex405 or Ex436 excitation were calibrated with K1(λ), and emission count spectra with Ex470 or Ex480 excitation were calibrated with K2(λ).

We found that the emission spectral responses measured during six months were constant, demonstrating the excellent stability of our SM system. Although this calibration step is not mandatory for a precalibrated SM during at least six months, we actually performed this calibration step for every mExEm-spFRET measurement, which can be used as a criterion to determine whether SM is stable. In fact, this calibration step is very simple and can be performed within a few minutes.


Excitation–Emission Spectral Fingerprints

Living HeLa cells exclusively expressed Cerulean (donor) or Venus (acceptor) were used to measure the excitation–emission spectral fingerprints of Cerulean and Venus as well as Cerulean–Venus sensitization on SM. Mean background spectrum with four excitations, respectively, collected from 20 nontransfected (no DNA plasmids and vectors) cells was subtracted from the raw count spectrum from cells expressing fluorescent proteins. Figure 2(a) (left) shows the raw emission count spectra of a representative cell expressing Cerulean-only indicated by red circle (inset) with Ex405, Ex436, Ex470, and Ex480 excitation, respectively. After calibration with K(λ), emission spectrum of Cerulean with four excitations, respectively, was divided by the maximum value of emission spectrum with Ex436 excitation to obtain the normalized emission spectra [Fig. 2(a), middle]. The relative fluorescence intensities in emission wavelength range of 510 to 530 nm (CH1) with Ex405, Ex436, Ex470, and Ex480 excitation, respectively, are shown in Fig. 2(a) (right). Similarly, Fig. 2(b) (left) shows the raw emission count spectra of a representative cell expressing Venus-only indicated by red circle (inset) with four excitations. Emission spectrum of Venus with four excitations, respectively, was divided by the maximum value of emission spectrum with Ex480 excitation to obtain the normalized emission spectra [Fig. 2(b), middle]. The relative fluorescence intensities in emission wavelength range of 520 to 540 nm (CH2) with Ex405, Ex436, Ex470, and Ex480 excitation, respectively, are shown in Fig. 2(b) (right). Fluorescence intensities in Fig. 2(a) (middle) with Ex436 excitation and in Fig. 2(b) (middle) with Ex470 excitation are normalized to unit area, respectively, as the emission spectra of Cerulean and Venus.

Fig. 2

Excitation–emission spectral fingerprints of Cerulean and Venus as well as Cerulean–Venus sensitization. (a) Raw count spectra (left), normalized intensity spectra after calibration (middle), and the relative fluorescence intensity (right) in emission channel CH1 (from 510 to 530 nm) of a representative HeLa cell expressing Cerulean-only (inset image) with Ex405, Ex436, Ex470, and Ex480 excitation, respectively, with respect to the value of the maximum peak at emission spectrum with Ex436 excitation. Scale bar: 10  μm; (b) raw count spectra (left), normalized intensity spectra after calibration (middle), and the relative fluorescence intensity (right) in emission channel CH2 (from 520 to 540 nm) of a representative HeLa cell expressing Venus-only (inset image) with Ex405, Ex436, Ex470, and Ex480 excitation, respectively, with respect to the value of the maximum peak at emission spectrum with Ex436 excitation. Scale bar: 10  μm; (c) unit-area-normalized emission spectra of Cerulean (SEM C) and Venus (SEM V) measured from at least 20 living HeLa cells; (d) unit-area-normalized excitation spectra of Cerulean (SEX C) and Venus (SEX V) measured from at least 20 living HeLa cells; (e) three excitation–emission spectral fingerprints of Cerulean (SC), Venus (SV), and Cerulean–Venus sensitization (SS) obtained by the outer product of the excitation and emission spectra in (c) and (d).


The emission spectra of Cerulean with Ex436 excitation and Venus with Ex470 excitation obtained from at least 20 living HeLa cells expressing Cerulean or Venus were normalized to unit area as the emission spectra of Cerulean (SEM C) and Venus (SEM V) [Fig. 2(c)]. Figure 2(d) shows the unit-area-normalized excitation spectra of Cerulean (SEX C) and Venus (SEX V). The unit-volume-normalized three-dimensional excitation–emission spectral fingerprints of Cerulean (SC), Venus (SV), and Cerulean–Venus sensitization (SS) in Fig. 2(e) were calculated by the outer product of SEX C and SEM C, SEX V and SEM V, and SEX C and SEM V, respectively. In reality, SC and SV as well as SS in Fig. 2(e) were reconstructed by equally dividing the normalized intensity values into 25 grades (pseudocolor), and the equal grades were connected with contours.

The fact that the normalized emission spectra of fluorescent proteins (FPs) (Cerulean/CFP or Venus/YFP) measured from living HeLa or HepG2 cells expressing different levels of FPs are consistent further demonstrates the notion that the absorption and emission spectra of fluorescent proteins are generally very stable.29,30 Although fluorescence intensity is proportional to the intensity of excitation light, mExEm-spFRET method is independent of the intensity of excitation light. Because three excitation–emission spectral fingerprints (SD, SA, and SS) are normalized to unit volume, different excitation intensity only affects the weight factors (WD, WA, and WS) rather than the ratios of weight factors. In reality, we found that the normalized excitation–emission spectral fingerprints of FPs obtained from living HeLa or HepG2 cells were constant during at least six months, indicating that our SM system is very stable. Therefore, the predetermined SC, SV, and SS can be directly used for subsequent quantitative mExEm-spFRET measurement without additional measurement. To offset the random fluctuation of count recorded at different emission wavelength, we summated the fluorescence intensity values in an emission wavelength range (CH1 for Cerulean and CH2 for Venus) rather than at single emission wavelength for Cerulean or Venus to obtain their excitation spectra. In reality, the emission wavelength range of 500 to 530 nm should be a better choice for CH1.


Predetermination of the Correction Factors (fsc and rk)

To predetermine the correction factors (fsc and rk), living HeLa cells expressing C32V were excited with Ex405, Ex436, Ex470, and Ex480 excitation, respectively. Figure 3(a) shows the normalized emission spectra of a representative cell expressing C32V with Ex405, Ex436, Ex470, and Ex480 excitation, respectively, with respect to the value of the maximum peak at emission spectrum with Ex436 excitation. Figure 3(b) shows the corresponding excitation–emission spectrum (SDA), which was linearly unmixed according to Eq. (3) to obtain WD=0.37, WA=0.39, and WS=0.27. Next, we used emp-PbFRET method to measure the Eref value of C32V for the same cell. Figure 3(c) shows the fluorescent images of the cell with DD cube (left) and AA cube (right), respectively, before (upper panel) and after (lower panel) partial Venus bleaching. Figure 3(d) shows the corresponding normalized count spectrum with Ex436 (solid line) and Ex510 (dot line) excitation, respectively, before (black) and after (gray) partial Venus bleaching with respect to the maximum value of the count spectrum with Ex436 excitation before partial Venus bleaching (black solid line). We summated the normalized count values in CHD channel and CHA channel, respectively, to obtain IDD=11.94, IDDpost=14.41, IAA=13.45, and IAApost=6.75. According to Eq. (6), the corresponding Eref was 28.8%, and the statistical Eref value measured from 15 living HeLa cells was 30.1%±2.9% [Fig. 3(e)]. Substituting WD=0.37, WA=0.39, and WS=0.27 as well as Eref=30.1% into Eq. (4) to obtain fsc=1.81, where the quantum yield ratio (rQ) of Venus (0.57) to Cerulean (0.62) is 0.919,31,32 and into Eq. (5) to obtain rk was 0.43, where RCref=1. Statistical fsc and rk values from 20 cells are 1.83±0.12 and 0.44±0.01, respectively [Fig. 3(f)].

Fig. 3

Predetermination of correction factors (fsc and rk) using a Cerulean–Venus tandem construct (C32V). (a) Normalized emission spectra of a representative cell expressing C32V with Ex405, Ex436, Ex470, and Ex480 excitation, respectively, with respect to the value of the maximum peak at emission spectrum with Ex436 excitation. Scale bar: 10  μm; (b) excitation–emission spectrum corresponding to (a); (c) images of the cell with Ex436 (DD) or Ex510 (AA) excitation before (upper panels) and after (lower panels) partial Venus photobleaching. Scale bar: 10  μm; (d) normalized count spectra of C32V inside the cell indicated by red circles in (c). CHD: 470 to 490 nm and CHA: 530 to 550 nm. (e) Statistical Eref value from at least 15 living cells using emp-PbFRET method. (f) Statistical fsc and rk values from at least 20 living cells.


In many reports, the quantum yield values of donor (QD) and acceptor (QA) from literature were directly quoted for quantitative FRET measurement.11,14,20,25,28 However, real QD and QA values are related to not only the optical properties of donor/acceptor but also the emission transmission characteristics of the instrument used. Moreover, it is also inappropriate to consider the QD and QA values from literature as the real QD and QA within a bandpass emission wavelength range. We here used the fsc to correct the ratio of QA to QD (QA/QD) in our SM system. In fact, the product of the QA/QD ratio quoted from literature and the fsc is the real QA/QD value in our SM system. Therefore, mExEm-spFRET method can measure the real QA/QD value rather than the referenced QA/QD value from literature for quantitative FRET measurement.

Generally, rk is only related to the excitation spectrum of our SM system and the absorption spectra of both donor and acceptor for a given cell line.25 Just as discussed above about the spectral fingerprints, the spectral characteristics of our SM system and donor/acceptor are very stable. Therefore, for a given specific system, the predetermined fsc and rk can be directly used for subsequent mExEm-spFRET measurement. In reality, we remeasured fsc and rk values for Cerulean–Venus pair inside HeLa cells on our SM system during six months and obtained consistent fsc and rk values, further demonstrating the stability of our instrument.


Implementation of mExEm-spFRET in Single Living HeLa Cells Expressing C + V, CVC, and VCV

We next performed ExEm-spFRET and mExEm-spFRET method, respectively, on SM to measure the E and Rc values of single living cells expressing unlinked Cerulean plus Venus (C + V), CVC, and VCV, respectively. We measured four emission spectra of the cells excited with Ex405, Ex436, Ex470, and Ex480, respectively. Figures 4(a)4(c) show the normalized emission spectra (left) of a representative cell expressing C + V (a, with respect to the value of the maximum peak at emission spectrum with Ex480 excitation), CVC (b, with respect to the value of the maximum peak at emission spectrum with Ex436 excitation), and VCV (c, with respect to the value of the maximum peak at emission spectrum with Ex480 excitation), respectively, with different excitations and the corresponding excitation–emission spectra (SDA) (right). The SDA were linearly unmixed according to Eq. (3) to obtain the weight values of donor, acceptor, and donor–acceptor sensitization (Table 1). Substituting these weight values and rk=0.44 as well as fsc=1.83 into mExEm-spFRET method [Eqs. (1) and (2)] to obtain the corresponding E and Rc: 3.1% and 1.01 for C + V, 40.4% and 0.54 for CVC, and 69.2% and 2.59 for VCV. In addition, for the same cells, implementation of ExEm-spFRET method exhibited that the E and RC values were 5.5% and 1.21 for C + V, 55.3% and 0.56 for CVC, and 80.4% and 2.04 for VCV. Figure 4(d) shows the statistical E and Rc values of C + V, CVC, and VCV from 20 living cells. The E values of CVC and VCV obtained by mExEm-spFRET are consistent with those measured by E-FRET method (40.0%±0.7% for CVC and 69.3%±1.0% for VCV).33

Fig. 4

Implementation of mExEm-spFRET method on SM system for quantitative FRET measurement in living cells separately expressing C + V, CVC, and VCV. (a–c) Normalized emission spectra (left) and corresponding excitation–emission spectrum (right) of representative cells separately expressing C + V (a, with respect to the value of the maximum peak at emission spectrum with Ex480 excitation), CVC (b, with respect to the value of the maximum peak at emission spectrum with Ex436 excitation), and VCV (c, with respect to the value of the maximum peak at emission spectrum with Ex480 excitation) with Ex405, Ex436, Ex470, and Ex480 excitation, respectively. Scale bar: 10  μm. (d) Statistical E (left) and Rc (right) values of C + V, CVC, and VCV constructs in 20 living HeLa cells obtained by ExEm-spFRET and mExEm-spFRET method, respectively.


Table 1

Weight values for different constructs.

Weight valuesConstructs

We also used mExEm-spFRET method with two excitations to calculate the E and Rc values of C + V, C32V, CVC, and VCV constructs, respectively, for the same cells (Table 2). mExEm-spFRET method with Ex405 and Ex470, Ex405 and Ex480, Ex 430 and Ex470, or Ex436 and Ex480 excitations showed consistent results, while mExEm-spFRET method with Ex405 and Ex436 excitations obtained an obviously larger Rc value for CVC construct, which may owe to the similarity of fluorescence intensity spectra with Ex405 and Ex436 excitation, respectively. Ex436 and Ex470 or Ex436 and Ex480 excitations should be good choices for quantitative mExEm-spFRET measurement of CFP/Cerulean and YFP/Venus pairs. In reality, we can perform a quantitative mExEm-spFRET measurement with two excitations within 1 s, which is applicable to the monitoring of dynamical events in single living cells.

Table 2

E and RC values of constructs measured by mExEm-spFRET with different excitation wavelengths.

Excitation wavelengths (nm)Constructs
E (%)RcE (%)RcE (%)RcE (%)Rc
405, 436, 470, 4803.1±1.51.00±0.3330.9±2.01.02±0.0440.5±2.30.51±0.0269.6±1.62.37±0.11
405, 4362.4±1.60.92±0.5829.6±2.21.00±0.1138.7±2.40.70±0.11*68.3±1.72.49±0.23
405, 4703.6±1.71.08±0.7231.6±2.00.99±0.0440.7±2.30.54±0.0370.3±1.62.45±0.12
405, 4802.8±1.51.08±0.7130.6±2.11.01±0.0339.9±2.30.51±0.0369.6±1.62.41±0.11
436, 4703.1±1.51.10±0.7131.0±1.90.99±0.0540.1±2.20.53±0.0369.4±1.62.42±0.11
436, 4802.9±1.51.07±0.6930.7±1.90.97±0.0440.0±2.20.50±0.0269.8±1.62.31±0.10

*P<0.05, compared with the corresponding Rc value with four excitation wavelengths (the first line).


mExEm-spFRET Measurement of C32V in the Presence of Free Donor or Free Acceptor

We also used mExEm-spFRET method with four excitation wavelengths to measure the E and Rc values of C32V construct in the presence of free Cerulean or free Venus. Figure 5 shows the ERc plot on a cell-by-cell basis for C + V, C32V, C32V + C, and C32V + V, respectively. Unlinked Cerulean plus Venus (C + V) exhibits very low E values independent of Rc (solid squares), whereas C32V exhibits a restricted distribution for E (about 30.9%) and Rc (about 1.02) values (solid triangles). The E values of C32V + C are positively proportional to the corresponding Rc (open triangles), whereas C32V + V has the same E values as C32V (open circles), which is consistent with the previous reports.15,20,34

Fig. 5

E as a function of Rc. Implementation of mExEm-spFRET with four excitation wavelengths on SM for the HeLa cells expressing C32V (solid triangles), C + V (solid squares), C32V + C (open triangles), and C32V + V (open circles), respectively. C32V + C exhibits a positive linear correlation between E and Rc, and the slope of dot line is 31.6. In the case of C32V + V, no correlation is observed.


In reality, high concentration of free Cerulean and free Venus may result in the possibility of spurious FRET efficiency by random collision.35 For some bright cells coexpressing Cerulean and Venus (C + V, solid squares in Fig. 5), donor and acceptor may be within the Förster distance and form “spurious donor–acceptor complex,” which leads to a small systematic increase of E as a function of Rc.10,14 Therefore, we should not choose the cells with very high concentration of fluorescent proteins for quantitative measurements.


mExEm-spFRET Measurement of STS-Induced Bax Homeoligomerization

Bax is a proapoptotic protein required for the process of mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization.1 Some publications, including our previous studies, have demonstrated that STS induces Bax translocation into mitochondria and subsequent homooligomerization.20,28,36 We here performed mExEm-spFRET method on SM for single living HeLa cells coexpressing CFP-Bax and YFP-Bax. A CFP–YFP tandem reference (18AA) was used to predetermine the fsc (1.80) and rk (0.42) values for CFP–YFP pair on our SM system. As shown in Figs. 6(a) and 6(b), emission spectrum with Ex405, Ex436, Ex470, and Ex480 excitation, respectively, was divided by the maximum value of emission spectrum with Ex436 excitation to obtain the normalized emission spectra. Bax distributed evenly in cytosol in the control cell exhibiting 2.85% of E and 0.26 of Rc [Fig. 6(a)], and Bax showed significant clusters in the cell exhibiting 10.23% of E and 0.30 of Rc after 2-μM STS treatment for 6 h [Fig. 6(b)]. Statistical E values are 2.2%±0.4% for control cells (26 cells) and 14.4%±5.7% for STS-treated cells (105 cells), indicating that STS induced the formation of mitochondria-associated Bax clusters. Figure 6(c) shows the ERc plot on a cell-by-cell basis for control (solid squares) and STS-treated (open squares) cells, respectively. As shown in Fig. 6(c), the fact that the FRET efficiency {apparent FRET efficiency [Eapp=Emax·(DA)/(Dtotal)]} is very low and independent on the Rc for control cells indicates that Bax does not exist as homooligomer in healthy cells. However, for the STS-treated cells, apparent FRET efficiency (Eapp) obviously increased in the case of Rc<1 [(DA) increases with Rc or (Atotal)] but kept constant in the case of Rc>1 [(DA)=(Dtotal)] with Rc increasing, further demonstrating that all Bax formed homooligomer after STS treatment for 6 h.

Fig. 6

mExEm-spFRET analysis on Bax homooligomerization in single living HeLa cells coexpressing CFP-Bax and YFP-Bax. (a and b) Normalized emission spectra (left) and the corresponding excitation–emission spectrum (right) of a representative cell coexpressing CFP-Bax and YFP-Bax in the absence (a) and presence (b) of STS with Ex405, Ex436, Ex470, and Ex480 excitation, respectively, with respect to the value of the maximum peak at emission spectrum with Ex436 excitation. Scale bar: 10  μm. (c) ERc plot from 26 control cells (solid squares) and 105 STS-treated cells (open squares), respectively.




We here set up an improved SM for fast quantitative ExEm-spFRET measurement in single living cells. Our SM system is very stable for at least six months. The modified ExEm-spFRET method (mExEm-spFRET) containing a system correction factor (fsc) can be easily performed on our SM platform for quantitative FRET measurement in single living cells. Especially, availability of mExEm-spFRET with two excitation wavelengths enables the SM system to implement real-time and dynamical mExEm-spFRET measurement in single living cells, which is very important for monitoring intracellular rapid biochemical events.



Emission Spectral Responses of SM System

As shown in Fig. 7, we carefully measured the emission spectral responses [K(λ)] of SM system. E(λ) and countlamp(λ) were normalized at emission wavelength 620 nm.

Fig. 7

Emission spectral responses of SM system. (a) Spectrum of halogen tungsten lamp [E(λ), black solid line] measured using the spectrometer. Spectrum measured from the export of our microscope with D455 cube containing a dichroic filter D455 and a long-pass filter LP460 [countlamp(λ), dot line] when the halogen tungsten lamp was placed on the objective. Spectral response curve of SM system with D455 cube [K1(λ), gray solid line]. E(λ) and countlamp(λ) are normalized at emission wavelength λ=620  nm. (b) Same as (a), except that spectrum [countlamp(λ), dot line] measured from the export of our microscope with D490 cube containing a dichroic filter D490 and a long-pass filter LP495.



The authors have no competing interests.


We thank Professor S.S. Vogel (NIH/NIAAA) for providing C32V, CVC, and VCV plasmids, Dr. Prehn for providing CFP-Bax and YFP-Bax plasmids, and Professor Kaminski for providing 18AA plasmid. This project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 81471699 and 61527825) and the Science and Technology Plan Project of Guangdong Province (No. 2014B090901060).



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Fangrui Lin is pursuing his MS degree at South China Normal University. His current research interests include fluorescence microscopy and biomedical optics.

Mengyan Du is pursuing her MS degree at South China Normal University. Her current research interests include quantitative fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) imaging.

Fangfang Yang is pursuing her doctoral degree at South China Normal University. Her current research interests include quantitative FRET imaging and cell biology.

Lichun Wei is pursuing her MS degree at South China Normal University. Her current research interests include fluorescence microscopy and biomedical optics.

Tongsheng Chen received his PhD in biomedical engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China. He has 19 years of experience in fluorescence microscopy and biomedical optics. He is the author of more than 120 journal papers and also a member of SPIE.

© 2018 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) 1083-3668/2018/$25.00 © 2018 SPIE
Fangrui Lin, Mengyan Du, Fangfang Yang, Lichun Wei, and Tongsheng Chen "Improved spectrometer-microscope for quantitative fluorescence resonance energy transfer measurement based on simultaneous spectral unmixing of excitation and emission spectra," Journal of Biomedical Optics 23(1), 016006 (8 January 2018).
Received: 18 March 2017; Accepted: 7 December 2017; Published: 8 January 2018 Logo
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