11 January 2017 Full image-processing pipeline in field-programmable gate array for a small endoscopic camera
Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa, L. Natércia Sousa, Nuno Fábio Ferreira, Ricardo M. Sousa, Joao Santos, Martin Wäny, F. Morgado-Dias
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Endoscopy is an imaging procedure used for diagnosis as well as for some surgical purposes. The camera used for the endoscopy should be small and able to produce a good quality image or video, to reduce discomfort of the patients, and to increase the efficiency of the medical team. To achieve these fundamental goals, a small endoscopy camera with a footprint of 1  mm×1  mm×1.65  mm is used. Due to the physical properties of the sensors and human vision system limitations, different image-processing algorithms, such as noise reduction, demosaicking, and gamma correction, among others, are needed to faithfully reproduce the image or video. A full image-processing pipeline is implemented using a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) to accomplish a high frame rate of 60 fps with minimum processing delay. Along with this, a viewer has also been developed to display and control the image-processing pipeline. The control and data transfer are done by a USB 3.0 end point in the computer. The full developed system achieves real-time processing of the image and fits in a Xilinx Spartan-6LX150 FPGA.
Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa, L. Natércia Sousa, Nuno Fábio Ferreira, Ricardo M. Sousa, Joao Santos, Martin Wäny, and F. Morgado-Dias "Full image-processing pipeline in field-programmable gate array for a small endoscopic camera," Journal of Electronic Imaging 26(1), 013005 (11 January 2017). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JEI.26.1.013005
Received: 23 June 2016; Accepted: 13 December 2016; Published: 11 January 2017
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Field programmable gate arrays




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