Open Access
7 July 2014 Early detection of emerald ash borer infestation using multisourced data: a case study in the town of Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Kongwen Zhang, Baoxin Hu, Justin Robinson
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The emerald ash borer (EAB) poses a significant economic and environmental threat to ash trees in southern Ontario, Canada, and the northern states of the USA. It is critical that effective technologies are urgently developed to detect, monitor, and control the spread of EAB. This paper presents a methodology using multisourced data to predict potential infestations of EAB in the town of Oakville, Ontario, Canada. The information combined in this study includes remotely sensed data, such as high spatial resolution aerial imagery, commercial ground and airborne hyperspectral data, and Google Earth imagery, in addition to nonremotely sensed data, such as archived paper maps and documents. This wide range of data provides extensive information that can be used for early detection of EAB, yet their effective employment and use remain a significant challenge. A prediction function was developed to estimate the EAB infestation states of individual ash trees using three major attributes: leaf chlorophyll content, tree crown spatial pattern, and prior knowledge. Comparison between these predicted values and a ground-based survey demonstrated an overall accuracy of 62.5%, with 22.5% omission and 18.5% commission errors.
CC BY: © The Authors. Published by SPIE under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License. Distribution or reproduction of this work in whole or in part requires full attribution of the original publication, including its DOI.
Kongwen Zhang, Baoxin Hu, and Justin Robinson "Early detection of emerald ash borer infestation using multisourced data: a case study in the town of Oakville, Ontario, Canada," Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 8(1), 083602 (7 July 2014).
Published: 7 July 2014 Logo
Cited by 18 scholarly publications.

Spatial resolution

Airborne remote sensing

Image segmentation

Data modeling

Data archive systems

Hyperspectral imaging

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