The Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO) will construct two radio telescopes: SKA-Low in Australia and SKA-Mid in South Africa. When completed, the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) will be the largest radio telescope on Earth, with unprecedented sensitivity and scientific capability. The first phase of SKA-Mid (called SKA1-Mid) includes an array of 197 dish antennas incorporating the recently completed MeerKAT dishes to cover the frequency range of 350 MHz to 15.4 GHz. The 19 Tb / s digitized data stream is transported from the dishes in the remote Karoo to Cape Town where data are correlated and processed through high-performance computing systems. The demanding scientific performance requires extremely accurate timing and synchronization of the data measured by the distributed dishes. The combination of large-scale deployment, significant real-time processing, geographic distribution, and limited budget poses significant challenges for the physical, control, and processing architectures. We present the architectural highlights of the SKA1-Mid Telescope baseline design, for which its Critical Design Review was completed in 2019 and construction was started in July 2021. |
1.IntroductionAlthough initially conceived in 1993, the development of the Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKA) only started in earnest in 1997, when eight institutions from six countries signed a Memorandum of Agreement to cooperate in a technology study program leading to a future very large radio telescope. This led to further agreements incorporating other partners, until the establishment of the SKA Organization in December 2011. During this period, it was agreed that the SKA would be built in phases, with the first phase, SKA1, being hosted in three countries: a low-frequency dipole-array in Australia (SKA1-Low); a mid-frequency dish-array in South Africa (SKA1-Mid); and the headquarters at Jodrell Bank near Manchester in the UK. Nine Consortia were established across 20 countries to do the pre-construction development of the telescope elements under the Project Management and Systems Engineering guidance of the SKA Office (SKAO). The Consortia’s work culminated in a series of Critical Design Reviews (CDRs) in 2018/2019, when each proposed design was reviewed by an international panel and checked for alignment with the overall technical and project requirements. The SKAO proceeded to adopt these element designs by integrating them into a coherent whole and adjusting the areas in which requirements, interfaces, and design details were misaligned or non-compliant. The overall architecture was also updated to optimize the cost versus performance of the telescope and reflect the system design that will be built during construction. This overall observatory and telescope-level design, integrated in the “SKA-1 Design Baseline Document,”1 and the related project planning documents were successfully reviewed at the SKA System CDR in December 2019. This paper presents some of the main challenges that drive the SKA1-Mid design and shows the refined high-level SKA1-Mid architecture that now forms the basis for telescope construction. This includes the overall observatory design, the mid array layout, the computing architecture, and the timing architecture. There are several related papers that will be co-published with this one. 2.Science Drivers for the SKAThe SKA1 design is for a pair of next-generation telescopes to conduct transformational science and to complement other front-line telescopes in the emerging era of Multi-Messenger Astronomy. The scientific impact of the SKA was encapsulated in a two-volume publication of 2014: “Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array,”2 consisting of 135 chapters (1200 authors), each chapter detailing an opportunity for enabling new progress in astrophysics. Among many possibilities, a summary of the goals is as follows:
The history of astronomy is replete with unexpected discoveries. Astronomy is not a laboratory science; it is an observational science in which the most general possible designs will always win out. Hence, a guiding design principle has been to enable the broadest possible range of science, including even currently unanticipated observations. SKA1 will focus on being able to perform specific high priority science objectives that are considered achievable within the funding constraints. This drives the requirements and architecture. 3.SKA ObservatoryThe SKA Observatory functions as a single, integrated observatory comprising of two telescopes distributed in three locations. These distributed functions are shown in Fig. 1. The SKA1-Mid telescope, hosted and operated from South Africa, comprises an array of dish antennas that collect and digitize the astronomical signals that then pass through signal processing and science data processing before being archived. The archive data are made available to the user community through the SKA Regional Centers (SRCs), while the telescope operation is controlled from the Science Operations Centre. Each telescope also has an Engineering Operations Center containing the telescope maintenance facilities and from which the engineering operations are coordinated. The SKA1-Low telescope has a similar architecture. Figure 2 shows a flow diagram of the observational control functions of the Observatory and the related data flow. It also shows how the science users, i.e. principal investigators (PIs) and co-investigators (CoIs), time allocation committee (TAC), SKA staff, and broader scientific community will interact with the telescopes. The following features should be noted:
The sections that follow provide further details on the architecture that links these functions. 4.Challenges that Impact the SKA1-Mid ArchitectureTo achieve the SKA science goals it is necessary to build a telescope that meets extreme performance requirements, but this needs to be achieved within a realistic cost with technology that is available. The capital cost cap and reliability targets (and by implication, operational cost) were set during the SKA concept development and used to establish the original architecture. This required a trade-off between the desired science capabilities and the various technical parameters such as array size, antenna sensitivity, computing capacity, RFI, reliability, and power consumption. Various telescope locations, new technologies, and sub-system designs were compared, proto-typed, and subjected to cost-reduction drives until the final down-selected solutions were developed further to CDR status.4 The telescope architectures formed the evolving framework that linked these sub-systems to provide the desired telescope capabilities within the cost requirements. One of the primary measures for a radio telescope is its sensitivity, which is a product of factors such as the total dish collecting area, receiver gains and noise levels, signal coherence, and signal processing efficiency. The SKA1 as-designed sensitivity is shown in Fig. 3 in comparison with several existing and planned facilities. For further comparison with other facilities, see Ref. 5. The SKA1-Mid is designed for a maximum angular resolution of between 4 and 0.03 arcsec, but milli-arcsec resolution would be obtained when participating in Global VLBI networks. To simultaneously reach resolution and sensitivity goals, the SKA1 Telescopes use the aperture synthesis concept in which multiple connected antennas are synchronized to form a single large collecting aperture. The SKA1-Mid receptors are arranged with a core of diameter of and along three spiral arms to provide a baseline of up to 150 km. Scientific performance is determined mainly by the following capabilities and characteristics:
There are many technical challenges to achieving this level of performance and flexibility. In the end, the architectural choices need to balance the performance with the cost, risk, and technology opportunities to establish an optimal design. Some of the additional technical and operational challenges are presented below to introduce the architectures that follow:
5.Overall Telescope ArchitectureThe physical and logical arrangement of the SKA was introduced in Sec. 3; the SKA1-Mid telescope is now described further, showing how it has been optimized to address the presented challenges. Figure 4 shows the layout of the dish antenna array and the main functions related to the subsequent processing of the digitized information. The following features of the SKA1-Mid Telescope high-level architecture can be noted:
6.Signal-Processing, Control, and Computing ArchitectureFurther detail of the computing architecture and signal/data flow is shown in Fig. 5. This shows the high-level journey of the received signal as it passes through the telescope, until the required scientific information is finally extracted and accessed by the observing scientist. The signals from various dishes need to be precisely synchronized by the timing system, and the functions of each building block need to be controlled, coordinated, and monitored by the TM to implement the observational steps. A more detailed description of the signal chain steps and related telescope functions are presented below, with details of the individual computing architectures shown in the subsequent sub-sections. The Timing and Synchronization architecture is presented in the next section.
Further details of the TM, CBF, pulsar processing, and SDP computing systems are provided below. 6.1.Control: Telescope Manager ArchitectureThe SKA chose Tango (Tango is developed, managed, and maintained by Tango Controls6), an open-source SCADA-like toolkit, to form a distributed framework for the entire telescope’s monitoring and control system, including the TM itself. Using Tango, the implementation of software interfaces and standard functions such as logging and error handling are greatly simplified. Figure 6 shows the structure of the Tango-based TM, as tailored to the SKA. Tango, which by design is hierarchical, leaves much of the control and monitoring complexity to the downstream Telescope sub-systems. The central concept behind Tango is the Tango Device, a software object that models “real-world” equipment and provides a standard interface for access. Devices can either be located on the same computer or distributed across computers and linked by a network. One of the reasons for the hierarchical architecture, besides distributing the complexity of a large system, is reducing information flow back and forth, as would occur in a centralized approach. Nevertheless, information flow is not blocked; Telescope Monitor and Control (TMC) devices can access any single Tango device without respecting the hierarchy. Tango also provides a framework for logging, archiving, alarm handling, and operational monitoring. The SKA Control Systems Guidelines tailored the application of Tango to establish a hierarchical control structure in which a sub-system has a designated Local Monitor and Control (LMC) that adheres to the Tango framework to provide a harmonized approach to control and monitoring. Each controlled component within the telescope interfaces to its LMC with a Tango Device that interfaces on one side to the Tango framework and on the other side to the low-level control functions of that system. The resultant monitoring and control architecture for SKA1-Mid is shown in Fig. 7, showing both static devices associated with real hardware, such as a dish, and dynamic ones, associated with a virtual construct, such as a sub-array of dishes. Proposal preparation, approval, planning, and scheduling are done through a family of Observatory Science Operations tools, which create detailed scripts for each observation in a database. The Observation Scheduling Tool (OST) is used to establish the macro observing schedule while the Observation Execution Tool (OET), shown at the top of Fig. 7, accesses this database and, under guidance of the Telescope Operator, sets up and executes the observation. The scripts are executed by the appropriate Tango Devices in the various hierarchical layers. The top co-ordination is in the Telescope Monitoring and Control (TMC) layer, which in turn communicates with the devices that form part of the other telescope systems, forming an integrated controls architecture that spans the divide between telescope sub-systems. The multiple, dynamic instances of Tango devices provide great flexibility and modularity, a key aspect of the SKA design. SKA1-Mid is required to do commensal observing in which available resources are used concurrently for different observing projects, depending on their needs. The control architecture facilitates this through the concept of multiple “sub-arrays,” to which resources are allocated and which can observe simultaneously. A Sub-array Node controls each sub-array’s resources with the overall orchestration by the Central Node, as shown in Fig. 7. 6.2.Correlator-Beamformer ArchitectureThe Correlator–Beamformer (CBF) section of the signal chain shown in Fig. 5 carries out digital signal processing (DSP) for multiple sub-arrays to support the following:
Figure 8 shows these outputs and their context in the overall architecture. The CBF system must support very wide bandwidths and a relatively large correlation matrix of output visibilities. Processing this much digital data in serial fashion is not possible with current technology. The architecture of the CBF is designed to divide the wide bandwidths into 27 narrower, 200 MHz “frequency slices,” which are processed in separate DSP engines (Fig. 9). Each wide band is delay-corrected and is ‘sliced’ by the Very Coarse Channelizer (VCC), and the sliced data are sent on to Frequency Slice Processors (FSPs), which can carry out any of the processing functions (listed above) on a particular slice. This approach can, for example, enable the real-time processing of up to 5 GHz of RF bandwidth from 197 dishes, yielding channelized complex-visibility products in integration times as short as 0.14 s. Figure 10 shows the flow of time-stamps and synchronization of data samples for the CBF in the context of the entire SKA1-Mid system. Throughout the system, time-stamps are carried by 1-PPS marker signals. These pulses are effectively labeled with UTC time once per second (i.e., time-stamped via an Ethernet connection that ensures that there is no ambiguity between the 1-PPS pulses). A detailed explanation of the versions of 1-PPS shown in Fig. 10 are provided in Ref. 1. As a result of a simple transfer, the time-stamps provided at each dish (WR-1PPS) are transferred to the A-1PPS, which are embedded in the data stream, effectively labeling each sample with UTC. There is a small residual error, which is ultimately calibrated out by observing sources on the sky. A delay model is provided to the CBF system, which provides the sum of the atmosphere/ionosphere, geometrical delay, dish optical delay, and analog RF path. Variations in the electronic delay from the samplers to the CBF are “soaked up” in the wideband input buffer (WIB). Using the time stamps, the data streams from all of the dishes are re-gridded onto sample streams that run at a common rate for all dishes (re-sampler/delay tracker). The delay is compensated for in the same interpolation operation. The common sample rate is slightly higher than any of the input sample streams so that there is never an overflow of data. Smaller variations in arrival times are soaked up in the Synch Buffer. At this point, the samples are completely aligned and can be correlated or beam-formed. 6.3.Architecture of Pulsar and Time-Domain ProcessingAs shown in Fig. 5, SKA1-Mid contains two specialized processors, one for searching for pulsars (PSS) and the other for making precise measurements of their times of arrival (PST). The scientific goal of PSS is to enable the search of the entire sky for pulsars and time-domain transients visible from the site. Figure 11 shows a typical pulsar signature and the methods for searching. Searching involves finding the unknown dispersion measure (measure of curvature) as well as the unknown pulse period. Only when search beam data are de-dispersed and stacked over the frequency dimension, is there sufficient signal-to-noise to enable searching the time series for pulses. Search efficiency is dependent on being able to simultaneously search as large an area of sky as possible. Hence the CBF provides 1500 array-beams on the sky, which can be steered independently within the beam of the individual dishes. Typically, only an optimized fraction of the central part of the array is used so that each of the array-beams is not too small. The PSS system is implemented on a large system of GPU processing units distributed over racks. Transients (single pulse, dispersed events) are detected when a single pulse is strong enough to exceed a pre-determined signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). When this happens, a trigger-signal is sent to the CBF to freeze the contents of a buffer to capture the signal from each dish. The captured time series is processed off-line. In PSS, the algorithms within the boxes in Fig. 11 are optimized for speed, not maximum precision. Pulsar timing (PST) utilizes a similar underlying method to that shown in Fig. 11, but since the observations are of known pulsars, with times of arrival that are tracked over years (at least a decade), the algorithms, particularly de-dispersion, are optimized for accuracy, limited only by the SNR. Only 16 array beams are required for PST, but much wider bandwidth is accessible. Also, because beam-area is not important, more dishes can be used. De-dispersion is essentially a digital filtering operation. It can be done either incoherently on a digitized sample stream of squared “voltages” in which phase information is lost or coherently on a complex sample stream of digitized voltages in which phase information is retained. PSS uses the former method, which is much faster, whereas PST uses primarily the latter, although it uses incoherent methods as well. 6.4.Science Data Processor ArchitectureThe SDP is a complex software suite that provides various pipe-line processes that can be executed to calibrate the telescope and analyze the data based on the defined observational requirements. Figure 12 shows the architecture, the flow of data, and the functions performed by the SDPs. The data shown in the top box originates in the CSP system, co-located with the SDP system at the SPC in Cape Town, and is transmitted to SDP, an HPC. Because SDP is configurable and must process data at the same average rate at which it is produced by CSP, it is under the overall control of the TM. Most data are ingested at a high rate, stored temporarily in a buffer, and passed to parallel batch mode processors. However, some data, such as pointing calibration data for dishes, ionospheric calibrations, and responses to transient events, must be processed in a time-critical manner and fed back to the TM. As shown at the bottom of Fig. 12, batch-mode data products are provided to the various SRCs. SDP receives two types of observational data from CSP. These are visibility data (correlator outputs), received as a continuous flow to be imaged, and non-imaging data (transient buffer, pulsar and transient search candidates, and pulsar timing data) received as discrete chunks. In cases in which there are commensal observations, the same data may be processed as both imaging and non-imaging data. In addition to science data products, the SDP computes calibration data, generates metadata, generates alerts, and maintains Local/Global Sky Models. Additional information is generated to track and assess the efficacy, throughput, and quality of the data production. The SDP interfaces to the SKA control system and time-critical processing is directly scheduled by TM. Production of non-time-critical data products is performed in a batch-oriented processing mode: the overall science scheduling of the telescopes is linked to the available compute and data-storage resources of the SDP, so the overall throughput of the processing does not result in blocking of observations. Figure 13 shows the context of the SDP in terms of its data interfaces. The SDP challenge has aspects that, when considered together, make it unique among comparable systems in astronomy.
7.Timing ArchitectureA high degree of coherence is needed by the SKA to maintain its sensitivity, and this depends on the distribution of accurate time and frequency to each dish. In addition, high-precision, long-term timing over a period of nominally 10 years is required to achieve planned pulsar timing science that will enable the potential detection of long wavelength gravitational waves using an ensemble of pulsars. Synchronization and time-stamping can be considered separately. Synchronization of samples between dishes is needed to an accuracy of a small fraction of the sampling period (femto-seconds), and it is achieved by a stable sample clock and astronomical calibration. UTC time-stamping is needed to much less accuracy, nominally several nanoseconds. However, from a system architecture perspective, they are related because they are often used together in calibration. The SAT system7 provides both sample frequency and time signals, traceable to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), from a central timescale ensemble to all elements of the system. This is used to maintain coherence within the dish array, timestamp sampled data with high precision, and synchronize all instrumentation across the telescope network. Figure 14 shows a high-level diagram of the overall architecture of the SAT system. The high-level SAT functional building blocks shown in Fig. 14 are as follows:
7.1.Realization of the SKA Timescale and Time Distribution SystemsThe timescale is synchronized through GNSS satellites using well established methods and protocols. This puts the SKA telescopes on a footing similar to other timescale realizations such as UTC (NPL) and UTC(PTB). BIPM calculates UTC in retrospect from these timescale realizations, accounting for the uncertainties of each UTC (k), and publishes corrections with a delay of 30-50 days in what are known as the Circular-T publications. Figure 15 shows the components of the timescale:
The outputs of the timescale sub-system are as follows:
The common time (1-PPS) signals, often referred to as a heartbeat signal, are distributed throughout the telescope system. The rising edge of the 1-PPS signal is accurately aligned to that generated by the SKA timescale [UTC(SKA)]. A so-called White Rabbit (WR) system is used to distribute this pulse to all of the dishes in a way that maintains its accuracy despite the distance to the farthest dish. WR provides an open-source protocol based on a hardware rendition of the Precision Time Protocol (PTP, IEEE1588v2). It utilizes a feedback system to maintain alignment of the remote delivery points with the 1-PPS output of the timescale sub-system. The timescale is expected to have an uncertainty of less than 4.8 ns (1-sigma), and the accuracy of the 1-PPS distribution is better than 1.5 ns to the farthest dishes. 7.2.Frequency Distribution for Array SynchronizationThe design challenge here is to distribute a sample clock frequency to the ADCs in each dish that is locked to the reference frequency produced by the timescale, with a stability of better than tens of femto-seconds over 60 s. Although the preferred distribution medium is optical fiber, it is not free of noise and its effective electrical length varies with environmental changes (temperature/vibration). This adversely impacts the output signal quality (its stability and accuracy) as it is conveyed up to from the CPF. The distribution path is a combination of buried fiber, fiber placed on overhead lines (i.e., strung between poles), and fiber passing through the cable wrap in each of the dishes. The distribution system must handle the temperature and mechanical stresses on the fiber over paths with these characteristics. SKA1-Mid employs a feed-back controlled method, often called a round-trip compensation system, which actively compensates for delays along the reference frequency distribution path.8 Any frequency transfer technique is ultimately limited by the fraction of the noise spectrum that can be suppressed by the feedback. Random noise processes or disturbances that occur at timescales faster than the round-trip light travel time will have de-cohered the output before this interval has occurred. The servo loop cannot sense these disturbances and therefore cannot correct for them, so a ‘clean-up’ oscillator is employed to filter out the high-frequency noise. This is implemented using a high-quality, low-noise crystal oscillator phase-locked to the output of the round-trip system. A nominal 3.96-GHz sampling signal is synthesized from the SKA1-Mid timescale 10-MHz reference by the FRQ system and distributed over optical fiber to the focal platforms of each of the 197 dishes, where it is distributed within the receiver/digitizer box to each ADC clock input. This is sent directly to the focal platforms of dishes in the core, but for dishes that are farther away, bidirectional EDFA optical amplifiers are inserted in the path. These are located either in the pedestals of some dishes or in special repeater shelters. Figure 16 shows a conceptual view of the round-trip feedback method for one dish. The detailed block diagram and description are provided in Ref. 9. The system comprises a Michaelson interferometer (see top sub-diagram) in which the top arm acts as a fixed reference length. The acousto-optical modulator (AOM) consists of a laser source that feeds the two arms of a Mach–Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) (not shown in detail). In one arm, the static microwave reference frequency (double the sample clock frequency, 7.92 GHz) which is to be delivered to the remote end, is applied by shifting the optical signal from the laser source. When the two arms are recombined at the output of the MZI, this results in two optical signals on a single fiber with the microwave-frequency separation. This signal is transmitted over the optical fiber link to the remote telescope site where the two optical signals mix (beat) in a photodetector, thus recovering the original reference microwave signal. A fraction of the two transmitted optical signals is reflected back to the central transmitter site. A Faraday mirror is used to rotate the plane of polarization by 90 deg so that it can travel on the same fiber without interacting with the transmitted signals. The reflected signals are mixed with a copy of the transmitted optical signals in a photodetector at the source, yielding several mixing products, some of which are at the microwave reference frequency and contain twice the fluctuating delay in the long arm. Two of these signals are then mixed with a copy of the microwave signal to produce low frequency RF signals. These are further processed to produce an error signal, an offset frequency that encodes the fluctuations of the link. Applying this as the drive signal of the AOM closes the servo loop and effectively cancels the link error for the remote site. In the full-blown system description, given in Ref. 9, it is shown that several sources of phase noise are also canceled. The reference frequency is 7.92 GHz. This frequency is replicated at the output, whereupon it is divided by two (not shown in Fig. 16) to produce the require 3.96-GHz sample clock reference. 8.ConclusionThe authors believe that the architecture presented will meet the performance, operational, and cost challenges of the SKA community. Over and above the system and sub-system design work, there has been a significant amount of pre-cursor development,10 performance modelling,11 prototyping, and testing to confirm the feasibility and cost of the presented designs. The systems represented in the architectures are not theoretical constructs, but underpinning them is a vast collection of detailed prototype designs implemented in hardware and software.12 Critical aspects, such as the accuracy of the reference frequency and timing distribution, have been verified through prototype testing under real site conditions to ensure performance and stability.8 The 64-dish MeerKAT array shown in Fig. 17 was built as a pre-cursor to the SKA1-Mid telescope. It was inaugurated on July 13, 2018, and has already made a significant scientific impact such as providing the “clearest view yet of the center of the Milky Way galaxy.”13 Not only are the MeerKAT technologies and lessons learned helping SKA1 development, its 64-dishes will also be incorporated into SKA1-Mid to provide 39% more collecting area for the lower frequency bands. The most complex electro-mechanical system of SKA1-Mid, the dish antenna and its feeds, has undergone two prototyping iterations, and the designs of several subsystems have been qualified. Figure 18 shows the second prototype dish antenna that was built on the SKA1-Mid site. Since the System CDR, the SKAO has been preparing for procurement of the telescope systems. The SKA Observatory Council has endorsed the SKA Phase 1 Construction Proposal,14 which incorporates the detailed project plans and budgets to construct SKA1 according to the approved design. This paper has shared highlights of the SKA1-Mid architecture that will be built, showing how it addresses some of the technical challenges faced by this ambitious facility. The paper is a significant expansion and update on a prior paper of the same title,15 published in 2020. AcknowledgmentsThe authors wish to acknowledge the numerous contributors from the many SKA partner organizations to the Element designs and their integration into the SKA-1 Baseline Design Document (DBD),1 that has formed the basis of this paper. The Consortia teams and the SKAO engineering and software teams have jointly developed the architectures and designs that are reported. ReferencesP. E. Dewdney et al.,
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BiographyGerhard P. Swart is a telescope engineer for the SKA1-Mid Telescope at the SKA Observatory. He received his BEng degree (electronics) in 1985 and has since held systems engineering and technical leadership roles in the development of aircraft, airports, electric vehicles, and optical telescopes. He has authored more than 20 journal and conference papers. He is a member of INCOSE and SPIE. Peter E. Dewdney has been working on the SKA since 2008, first as a project engineer and currently as an SKA architect. Previously, he was involved in a variety of radio astronomy projects in observational science, telescope design, and management. Andrea Cremonini has been involved in SKA since 2013. Initially, he worked as a system engineer for the dish antenna, which is an element of the South African telescope of the observatory. In 2016, he became a as system engineer for the entire array in South Africa. Since 2000, he has been a part of several R&D projects designing cryogenic amplifiers and receivers for radio astronomical applications. |