1 November 1987 Digital Decoding Of In-Line Holograms
Levent Onural, Peter D. Scott
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Digitally sampled in-line holograms may be linearly filtered to reconstruct a representation of the original object distribution, thereby decoding the information contained in the hologram. The decoding process is performed by digital computation rather than optically. Substitution of digital for optical decoding has several advantages, including selective suppression of the twin-image artifact, elimination of the far-field requirement, and automation of the data reduction and analysis process. The proposed filter is a truncated series expansion of the inverse of that operator that maps object opacity function to hologram intensity. The first term of the expansion is shown to be equivalent to conventional (optical) reconstruction, with successive terms increasingly sup-pressing the twin image. The algorithm is computationally efficient, requiring only a single fast Fourier transform pair.
Levent Onural and Peter D. Scott "Digital Decoding Of In-Line Holograms," Optical Engineering 26(11), 261124 (1 November 1987). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.7974205
Published: 1 November 1987
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Digital holography


3D image reconstruction

Fourier transforms

Linear filtering


Reconstruction algorithms

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