1 February 1996 Design of high-voltage and high-brightness pseudospark-produced electron beam source for a Raman free-electron laser
Junbiao Zhu, Ming C. Wang, Zhijiang Wang, J. K. Lee
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The design of a pseudospark chamber, a high-voltage (>100 kV), high-current density, low-emittance and high-brightness electron beam source which can provide high-quality beams for free-electron lasers (FELs), driven by a modified pulse line accelerator, is presented. Based on the hollow cathode (HC) effect and the pseudospark (PS) empirical formula, the HC parameters, the cathode-anode separation, and the working gas pressure region are determined. The general experimental setup of the high-brightness PS-produced electron beam source is shown.
Junbiao Zhu, Ming C. Wang, Zhijiang Wang, and J. K. Lee "Design of high-voltage and high-brightness pseudospark-produced electron beam source for a Raman free-electron laser," Optical Engineering 35(2), (1 February 1996). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.600922
Published: 1 February 1996
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