1 March 1998 Advanced ultra-high-capacity optical random access memory and pattern recognition techniques
Hua-Kuang Liu, Yahong Jin, Neville I. Marzwell
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The architecture and mathematical analysis of a new multichannel multistage holographic optical random access memory (HORAM) architecture and an experimental demonstration of its feasibility are presented. The new HORAM can be used for ultra-high-capacity storage and high-speed random retrieval of information. A two-stage HORAM, using a Dammann grating and a multifocus holographic lens, clearly shows the capability of storing 2000 holographic matched filters. The functional requirements for key optical elements including laser sources, spatial light modulators, and electro-optical shutters for making a desired practical and compact HORAM are described. The potential extension of the HORAM system for multiple-channel optical pattern recognition, classification, and image restoration are described.
Hua-Kuang Liu, Yahong Jin, and Neville I. Marzwell "Advanced ultra-high-capacity optical random access memory and pattern recognition techniques," Optical Engineering 37(3), (1 March 1998). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.601910
Published: 1 March 1998
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Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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