1 April 2008 Optimal design of ultrabroadband tellurite fiber Raman amplifier for wavelength-division multiplexing transmission systems
Jing Ma, Chun Jiang, Jingquing Wu
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We present a complete analysis on improving the gain flatness of ultrabroadband tellurite fiber Raman amplifiers (TFRAs) by optimizing the parameters of multiwavelength pumps. Compared to conventional TFRAs, our amplifier has low gain ripple despite the ultrawide amplification bandwidth: well below 3.78% (5.66%, 11.98%) with respect to the average net gain 10 dB over a 120-nm (140-, 160-nm) bandwidth. In addition, we investigate the fractional gain contribution from each pump wavelength for the optimal 140-nm TFRA, and observe that the configuration is effective in equalizing the peculiar dual-peak gain spectra produced by multiple pumps. Finally, we calculate the noise figure for the 140-nm TFRA with a vibration less than 3 dB.
©(2008) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Jing Ma, Chun Jiang, and Jingquing Wu "Optimal design of ultrabroadband tellurite fiber Raman amplifier for wavelength-division multiplexing transmission systems," Optical Engineering 47(4), 045007 (1 April 2008). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.2902420
Published: 1 April 2008
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Cited by 3 scholarly publications.
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Fiber amplifiers

Optical amplifiers

Raman spectroscopy

Wavelength division multiplexing

Optical engineering

Signal attenuation


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