11 March 2015 Automatic true orthophoto generation based on three-dimensional building model using multiview urban aerial images
Fei Deng, Junhua Kang, Penglong Li, Fang Wan
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Funded by: National Science-Technology Support Plan Projects, National Science and Technology Support Project of China, National Natural Science Foundation of China
The orthophoto with refined details and higher accuracy is important for urban geographical information system. The traditional differential rectification did not consider the height information of buildings when dealing with imagery over urban areas, resulting in buildings having relief displacement and cannot be located at their true geographical positions. In this study, a digital building model (DBM)-based procedure for automatic true orthophoto generation is proposed to solve this problem. This procedure includes three major steps: (1) traditional orthophotos generation, (2) buildings relief correction, and (3) occlusion detection and compensation. In our method, the relief displacements for buildings are corrected and occlusions are detected by using the backprojection and intersection method based on vector DBM surface polygon. True orthophotos are obtained with the compensation of occlusions. Experimental results show that the generated true orthophotos can achieve root-mean-square errors of 0.149 and 0.061 m on the X- and Y-axes, respectively. The planimetric positioning accuracy of the true orthophoto is around 1 pixel. This indicates that the proposed method can correctly remove the displacement caused by terrain and tall buildings, and the occluded areas can be detected and compensated effectively for generating true orthophotos with high quality.
© 2015 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) 1931-3195/2015/$25.00 © 2015 SPIE
Fei Deng, Junhua Kang, Penglong Li, and Fang Wan "Automatic true orthophoto generation based on three-dimensional building model using multiview urban aerial images," Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 9(1), 095087 (11 March 2015). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JRS.9.095087
Published: 11 March 2015
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Orthophoto maps

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Solid modeling

3D image processing

Geographic information systems


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