1.IntroductionPhotoacoustic tomography (PAT) can provide multiscale, multicontrast imaging of intact biological tissue in vivo, demonstrating broad applications in both preclinical and clinical studies.1–3 Photoacoustic microscopy (PAM), using a focused single-element ultrasonic transducer for photoacoustic detection, is one form of PAT that can offer high-resolution deep-tissue imaging beyond the optical ballistic regime.4 Up to now, PAM has found important applications in both functional and molecular imaging of cancer.4,5 In addition, recent progress in PAM technology has demonstrated several first-of-its-kind in vivo applications, including label-free photoacoustic flowoxigraphy of individual cells6 and the imaging of slow blood flow in deep tissue.7 However, the image quality of conventional PAM degrades rapidly when the imaging targets are away from the ultrasonic focal zone. To overcome this limitation, a virtual detector technique was developed, shown to improve the image quality of PAM for out-of-focus regions.8 As this technique assumes “point-like” detection, it would work most effectively if the dimension of the virtual detector is ( is the center wavelength of the ultrasonic transducer) and the divergence angle of the virtual detector reaches , when conventional back-projection reconstruction is used. However, in reality, these requirements can hardly be satisfied rigorously. Recently, a new reconstruction method based on interpolated model-matrix inversion (IMMI) was developed, in which the virtual detector was treated as a finite-size element (instead of a point), leading to improved reconstruction accuracy.9 In addition, a Bessel beam–based method was developed to improve the spatial resolution of out-of-focus regions for a particular form of PAM—optical-resolution PAM.10 Compressed sensing (CS) can recover sparse signals from under-sampled measurements.11 Compared with conventional back-projection reconstruction, CS-based reconstruction was demonstrated to significantly improve PAT image quality in previous studies, when the number of measurements was fewer than that required by the Nyquist sampling theorem.12,13 In this study, to improve the performance of the virtual detector technique, we have developed a compressed sensing based virtual-detector photoacoustic microscopy (CS-PAM). Through phantom and in vivo experiments, it has been shown that, even with a virtual detector of a relatively small divergence angle compared to (which is the case for most PAM systems), CS-PAM can still significantly improve the image quality of out-of-focus regions, over both conventional PAM and back projection–based virtual-detector PAM (BP-PAM). 2.Methods2.1.Imaging SystemThe PAM system used in this study is shown in Fig. 1(a). A tunable pulsed optical parametric oscillator (OPO) laser (Vibrant 355 II HE, Opotek, Carlsbad, California) with a repetition rate of 10 Hz and a pulse width of 5 ns was used to illuminate the imaging targets through a custom-made light delivery system. A spherically focused ultrasonic transducer (V315, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) was used to sense the excited photoacoustic pressures from the targets. The electrical signals from the transducer were then amplified and acquired by a data acquisition card at a speed of for digitization. Further details of the system can be found in our previous publications,14 and thus are not repeated here. Figure 1(b) illustrates the basic principles of virtual-detector PAM. In short, the focal point of the ultrasonic transducer was treated as a virtual detector, with its divergence angle determined primarily by the NA of the transducer. Through mechanical scanning of this virtual detector, it resembles the detection of a linear ultrasonic array and thus can recover the information of the out-of-focus regions through reconstruction. In this study, the ultrasonic transducer has a center frequency of 10 MHz, a diameter of 19 mm, and a focal length of . As a result, the full width half maximum (FWHM) of the focal point of the transducer is , with a focal zone of , and a divergence angle of [Fig. 1(b)]. 2.2.Reconstruction ModelIn general, during photoacoustic wave generation, the acoustic pressure at position and time satisfies the wave equation: where is the initial photoacoustic pressure excited by the laser (or electromagnetic) pulse and is the speed of sound. The back-projection reconstruction used in our work, which incorporates the effect of the acceptance (divergence) angle, can be described by the following equation: where , , represents the position of the ’th detector, represents the acceptance angle of detector , and is an angle weighted factor of the ’th detector.15On the other hand, CS is known to recover sparse or compressible signals with under-sampled measurements. To apply CS-based reconstruction, it is required that the signals shall possess sparsity in certain domains. Fortunately, most medical images are sparse in certain domains by finding an appropriate sparse transform , where is the original image and is the transformed one. In PAT, if the measurement data from the ultrasonic transducers is , the measurement matrix corresponding to the imaging system is , then we have . When CS is incorporated into the photoacoustic imaging process, the reconstruction with sparse transform can be implemented by solving the following constrained optimization problem: It is noteworthy that, the incoherence between the measurement matrix and the sparse transform is another important condition to guarantee the successful application of CS. In previous works, this condition has been proven to be satisfied in photoacoustic reconstruction.16,17 To recover the photoacoustic images of the physically out-of-focus regions in PAM, a CS-based reconstruction model according to Eq. (3) was developed in our work Equation (4) can also be written as In Eq. (4), is the sparse transform—in this study, a four-level Daubechies wavelet transform is used. In addition to the item of norm in a sparse domain, the total variation penalty of the signals is also incorporated into the objective function to improve the reconstruction accuracy. Further, and (0.06 and 0.1, respectively, in this study) are the regularization parameters determining the trade-off between the data consistency and the sparsity, which should be determined appropriately. Overweighed values could result in distortion of the reconstruction. On the contrary, if their proportions to the objective function were too small, their support would become ineffective. In our experiments, they were empirically determined by trying different combinations and choosing the optimal ones. Finally, is the measurement matrix incorporating the effect of the divergence angle, which is defined as where represents the Cartesian coordinates of the image pixels, represents the positions of the virtual detector, is the sound speed, is the number of virtual detectors, is the sampling interval, is the number of sampling points for each A-line in the time domain, and represent the positions of the image pixels at - and -axes [Fig. 1(b)], respectively, and is the divergence angle of the virtual detector. To solve Eq. (5), an nonlinear conjugate gradient descent method was adopted, in which the gradient computation of the objection function can be found in Ref. 18.3.Experimental Results3.1.Phantom ResultsTo validate the effectiveness of CS-PAM, phantom experiments were performed. To fabricate the phantom, three human hairs with diameters of were fixed in parallel on the surface of a hollow plastic holder, with a separation between hair-1 and hair-2, and a separation between hair-2 and hair-3. In a series of experiments, the height of the ultrasonic transducer was varied (while the optical illumination on the hairs was unchanged), so that the phantom was imaged under both in-focus and out-of-focus circumstances. For the out-of-focus cases, the phantom was placed at 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 mm away from the focal point, respectively. To complete a B-scan for each case, the imaging head was mechanically scanned along , with a step size of 50 μm and a total scanning range of 6.4 mm. Figure 2(a) shows the directly acquired PAM images under both in-focus and out-of-focus conditions. As expected, the photoacoustic images get blurred more and more when the hairs are away from the ultrasonic focal point. However, upon performing image reconstruction with either back-projection or compressed-sensing strategy, using the scanning focal point as virtual detectors, the spatial resolution and contrast of the photoacoustic images of the out-of-focus hairs are clearly improved [Figs. 2(b) and 2(c)]. Further, compared with that using BP-PAM, the separation between hair-2 and hair-3 is resolved even better using CS-PAM. Finally, compared with the results from BP-PAM, the reconstructed signal (optical absorption) amplitudes and distribution using CS-PAM also agrees better with that of the corresponding in-focus hair images (the assumed gold standard). To further demonstrate this improvement, the maximum amplitude projections (MAP, along -axis) of the B-scan images are plotted in Fig. 3 for comparison. These plots confirm that, overall, CS-PAM has provided better contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and spatial resolution over BP-PAM. In one particular case [Fig. 3(d)], in which the hairs are seriously out of focus, CS-PAM has offered -fold improvement in CNR and improvement in spatial resolution, compared with that of BP-PAM. 3.2.In Vivo ResultsTo validate the performance of CS-PAM in vivo, the back of an anesthetized nude mouse weighing was imaged. The transducer height was varied in experiments, so that two photoacoustic images were acquired, first when the skin surface of the mouse back was in focus, and then when it was out of focus. The laser (at 570 nm) fluence used in this study was on the skin surface, well below the American National Standards Institute laser safety limit. All animal experiments described here were carried out in compliance with the approved protocols of Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The image acquired when the mouse back was in focus is assumed as the gold standard [Fig. 4(a)], while the directly acquired PAM image when the mouse back was out of focus is shown as a control [Fig. 4(b)]. Figures 4(c) and 4(d) show the corresponding image reconstructed with BP-PAM and CS-PAM, respectively. Note that the images in Figs. 4(a)–4(d) are shown as the MAP—the maximum photoacoustic amplitudes projected along the depth direction toward the skin surface. To further compare the reconstructed images, representative B-scan images corresponding to the cross sections as indicated by dash lines 1 and 2 in Fig. 4(a) are also shown [Figs. 4(a1)–(d1) and (a2)–(d2)]. In all in vivo experiments, the comparison between BP-PAM and CS-PAM reconstructions was performed using identical sparse sampling data, acquired with a scanning step size of 50 μm. Through in vivo imaging, we can see that: (1) similar to that in the phantom experiments, the directly acquired PAM images of the out-of-focus targets (mouse-back vessels) were both blurred and of degraded CNR [Fig. 4(b)]; (2) in contrast to that in the phantom experiments, BP-PAM did not provide obvious improvement in image quality for the out-of-focus targets in vivo; and (3) CS-PAM essentially maintained its great performance in improving the image quality in the in vivo case. Presumably, the deteriorated performance of BP-PAM in vivo was due to the small divergence angle of the virtual detector, together with the relatively low CNR (compared with that in the phantom experiments). In CS-PAM, however, the use of the CS-based reconstruction model has partially compensated the effect of the small divergence angle.13 4.Discussion and ConclusionsIn this proof of concept study, there were still factors that posed limitations to the performance of CS-PAM. First, as in most PAM systems, the FWHM of the focal point () of the focused ultrasonic transducer was significantly larger than , which did not meet the assumption of “point-like” virtual detector. Second, the ultrasonic transducer was spherically focused (the virtual detector had a cone-shaped detection volume), while the image reconstruction was performed on each B-scan cross section. As a result, the received signals from out of the B-scan plane would interfere with the two-dimensional reconstruction. In future, to overcome the first limitation, a new model to treat the virtual detector as a finite-size element, similar to that in IMMI, needs to be developed;7 to overcome the second limitation, the development of a new volumetric reconstruction model can be a potential solution. However, even under these restrictions, CS-PAM has still enabled significant improvement in image quality of the out-of-focus regions, compared with that in either conventional PAM or BP-PAM. In summary, a CS-PAM has been developed. Phantom and in vivo experiments have demonstrated that CS-PAM can effectively extend the depth of focus of conventional PAM. In addition, compared with the conventional back projection–based virtual-detector photoacoustic microscopy (BP-PAM), CS-PAM has offered finer spatial resolution, higher CNR, and more accurate signal amplitude distribution in the recovered images. The results shown in this study suggest that CS-based photoacoustic reconstruction in conjunction with the virtual detector technique can be an effective way to extend the imaging range of PAM, and thus may greatly expand its biomedical applications. AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grants Nos. 61308116 and 61205203, the National Key Basic Research (973) Program of China 2014CB744503, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China Grant No. 2014DFG32800, and the Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee Grants Nos. ZDSY20130401165820357, KQCX20120816155844962, CXZZ20120617113635699, and JCYJ20120615125857842. ReferencesL. V. WangS. Hu,
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BiographyJing Meng is an associate professor at the Qufu Normal University. She received her BS and MS degrees in mathematics from Qufu Normal University in 1999 and 2003, respectively, and her PhD degree in computer engineering from Soochow University in 2006. She has engaged in photoacoustic imaging as a research fellow at the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences since 2011. Chengbo Liu is an assistant professor at the Research Lab for Biomedical Optics and Molecular Imaging at Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prior to joining SIAT, he received his PhD degree in biomedical engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University. During his PhD training, he spent 2 years at Duke University working on tissue spectroscopy. Jiaxiang Zheng is a research assistant at the Research Lab for Biomedical Optics and Molecular Imaging at Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prior to joining SIAT, he received his MS degree in biomedical engineering from Tianjin University, China. Riqiang Lin is an assistant professor at the Research Lab for Biomedical Optics and Molecular Imaging at Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prior to joining SIAT, he received his MS degree in mechanical engineering from Shenzhen University, China. Liang Song is an associate professor and founding director of the Research Lab for Biomedical Optics and Molecular Imaging at the Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Prior to joining SIAT, he studied at Washington University in St. Louis with Professor Lihong Wang and received his PhD degree in biomedical engineering in 2010. |