Journal of Electronic Imaging

Editor-in-Chief: Zeev Zalevsky, Bar-Ilan University, Israel

The Journal of Electronic Imaging, copublished by IS&T and SPIE, publishes papers in all technology areas that make up the field of electronic imaging and are normally considered in the design, engineering, and applications of electronic imaging systems.

On the cover: The figure is from "YOLOv5-MCD: improved YOLOv5 for minor and alligator road damage detection" by Guiru Liu et al. in Vol. 33, Issue 6.

Editorial Board

Bar-Ilan University, Israel 

Senior Editors

University of Bordeaux, France

New Mexico State University, USA

Tampere University of Technology, Finland

Vienna University of Technology, Austria

Rochester Institute of Technology, USA

University of Trieste, Italy

Associate Editors

College of Staten Island, USA

University of Catania, Italy

Holon Institute of Technology, Israel

Oklahoma State University, USA

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

CHRIST (Deemed to be University), India

Università degli studi di Milano, Italy

National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland

Bar-Ilan University, Israel


University of Arizona, USA

Ningbo University, China

Beijing Jiaotong University, China

University of Montenegro, Montenegro

Delhi Technological University, India

Université de Poitiers, France

Rochester Institute of Technology, USA

National Aerospace University, Ukraine

Sun Yat-sen University, China

Universite de Toulouse, IMT Mines Albi, Institut Clement Ader, France

Tianjin University, China

University of Technology Sydney, Australia

Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Italy

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China

Harbin Institute of Technology, China

Univ. degli Studi di Milano, Italy

Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, Italy

Amrita School of Computing, India

University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, United States

Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), India

University of Westminster, UK

Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China

Shandong University, China

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Wuhan University, China

Binghamton University
State University of New York, USA

Shandong Normal University, China

Past Editors

Paul Roetling, Founding Editor, 1992-1994
Edward Dougherty, 1995-2000
Jan Allebach, 2001-2010
Gaurav Sharma, 2011-2015
Karen Egiazarian, 2016-2020

JEI expresses our deep condulences to the family of Prof. Johan Debayle, MINES Saint-Étienne, France, who served as an associate editor for JEI since 2018 and passed away in 2024.

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