1 April 2006 Low-complexity and high-efficiency image compression algorithm for wireless endoscopy system
Xiang Xie, GuoLin Li, ZhiHua Wang
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Digital still color video images play an important role in a wireless endoscopy system. It is vital to efficiently compress the medical images with high quality in such systems to decrease communication bandwidth and save the power in the capsule. We present a novel low-complexity and high-efficiency image compression algorithm for digital color image sensors with Bayer color filter arrays (CFAs), which is applied in the wireless endoscopy system we designed. The proposed algorithm includes three parts: lossless, near-lossless, and lossy compression. In the near-lossless compression part, the average compression rate is 3.5 bits/pixel with an image quality [peak SNR (PSNR)] greater than 46.37 dB when seven standard color images are compressed. Furthermore, the average compression rate can reach 2.18 bits/pixel with a PSNR larger than 46.89 dB when digestive tract images are compressed. In addition, the algorithm can provide lossless compression for the region of interest (ROI) and high-quality compression for other regions. A new lossy compression structure and a lowpass filter are applied in this lossy compression algorithm to achieve high compression performance. The proposed lossless, near-lossless, and lossy compression algorithm can provide lower compression rates in (bits per pixel) and lower complexities than any conventional interpolation-first algorithms and other existing similar compression-first algorithms.
©(2006) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Xiang Xie, GuoLin Li, and ZhiHua Wang "Low-complexity and high-efficiency image compression algorithm for wireless endoscopy system," Journal of Electronic Imaging 15(2), 023017 (1 April 2006). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.2194032
Published: 1 April 2006
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Image compression

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