20 July 2018 Comparative study of hand–eye calibration methods for augmented reality using an endoscope
Seongpung Lee, Hyunki Lee, Hyunseok Choi, Sangseo Jeo, Hogun Ha, Jaesung Hong
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Funded by: Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Korea, Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy, Korea, Ministry of Health and Welfare (Ministry of Health, Welfare and Family Affairs), Ministry of Science, ICT, and Future Planning (MSIP), Small and Medium Business Administration of South Korea
We performed a comprehensive study of hand–eye calibration approaches for augmented reality (AR) using endoscopes, aiming to find the approaches that yield the best performance and to reveal the mechanism that makes these approaches successful. The two unknown values in this calibration problem are the hand–eye transformation between an endoscope and the endoscope-attached optotracked marker and the transformation between a calibration board with a checker pattern and the board-attached marker. We classify possible approaches to solving hand–eye transformation as direct, simultaneous, and sequential. The effect of the translation components of transformations on an approach’s accuracy is theoretically analyzed using error equations derived from the approaches and demonstrated using both synthetic and real data. We found that sequential approaches performed the best when the magnitude of the translation of hand–eye transformation was larger than that between the board and its marker, which is the general case in implementing AR using endoscopes. In addition, this approach is less sensitive to noise and the number of calibration poses than others. Our results and analyses provide guidance for choosing an optimal hand–eye calibration solution for AR using endoscopes.
© 2018 SPIE and IS&T 1017-9909/2018/$25.00 © 2018 SPIE and IS&T
Seongpung Lee, Hyunki Lee, Hyunseok Choi, Sangseo Jeo, Hogun Ha, and Jaesung Hong "Comparative study of hand–eye calibration methods for augmented reality using an endoscope," Journal of Electronic Imaging 27(4), 043017 (20 July 2018). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JEI.27.4.043017
Received: 13 March 2018; Accepted: 26 June 2018; Published: 20 July 2018
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