20 April 2020 Efficient image cipher based on the movement of king on the chessboard and chaotic system
Nadeem Iqbal, Sagheer Abbas, Muhammad Adnan Khan, Areej Fatima, Aiesha Ahmed, Nida Anwer
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Funded by: Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

A new and an efficient image cipher using chaos theory and the king chess piece is proposed. The given image is being treated as a large chessboard. The king scrambles the pixels of the given image through its random movement on the chessboard. Once the image is scrambled, it is further diffused through the XOR operation. Chaotic data to be used in the cipher have been generated through the Tinkerbell chaotic map. Image characteristics have been directly used to embed the plaintext sensitivity in the cipher to avoid the complicated and lengthy hash codes. The starting address of the king has also been made a key. It increases both the key space and plaintext sensitivity of the proposed image cipher. Both the simulation and comprehensive security analyses exhibit the efficiency, robustness, security, and applicability of the proposed algorithm.

© 2020 SPIE and IS&T 1017-9909/2020/$28.00© 2020 SPIE and IS&T
Nadeem Iqbal, Sagheer Abbas, Muhammad Adnan Khan, Areej Fatima, Aiesha Ahmed, and Nida Anwer "Efficient image cipher based on the movement of king on the chessboard and chaotic system," Journal of Electronic Imaging 29(2), 023025 (20 April 2020). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JEI.29.2.023025
Received: 4 December 2019; Accepted: 26 March 2020; Published: 20 April 2020
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