Open Access
15 December 2023 Passing the JMI Torch: Thank You to the Medical Imaging Community for our Amazing Journey

JMI Editor-in-Chief Maryellen L. Giger reflects with gratitude on the past decade of JMI and passes the leadership “torch” to Bennett A. Landman.

Back in 2013, as the inaugural Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Medical Imaging (JMI), I penned my first JMI editorial, “Welcome to the Journal of Medical Imaging,” which was published in Volume 1, Issue 1, in 2014. Due to the great vision and effort of the medical imaging community, JMI was successfully launched.

JMI flourished over the next ten years, with its scope including the fields of physics of medical imaging, tomographic reconstruction algorithms, image processing, computer-aided diagnosis/machine intelligence of images (AI), visualization and modeling, PACS and imaging informatics, image perception and observer performance, technology assessment, ultrasonic imaging, image-guided procedures, robotic interventions, digital pathology, and biomedical applications in molecular, structural, and functional imaging. As the field of medical imaging expanded, so did JMI as it encompassed such emerging topics as AR/VR in medical imaging.

JMI draws readers, authors, and associate editors from academia, industry, government labs, and medical institutions, including more and more scientists, engineers, and clinicians from around the world, serving as a resource for the community.

A hallmark of JMI is its special sections. Over the years, JMI has published more than 30 special sections, with 3 currently in progress. These special sections have spanned from anniversary sections on landmark medical imaging innovations to focused special sections on emerging technologies, as well as sections honoring pioneers in our field, and sections on global health, equity, bias, and diversity in AI in medical imaging (Table 1).

Table 1

JMI special sections/issues and editors.

Vol., Issue No.Title/Editors
Vol. 11, TBDAR/VR in Medical Imaging
Ryan Beams, Bruce Daniel, and Raj Shekhar
Vol. 11, TBDCelebrating Over 30 Years of fMRI: Reflection on Advances and Looking Toward the Future
Timothy Carroll, Allen Newton, and Heather Whitney
Vol. 11, TBDPhoton-Counting: Detectors and Applications
Mini Das and Patrick La Riviere
Vol. 10, No. 6 Informatics and Imaging Data Management
Katherine Andriole, Susan Astley, Thomas Deserno, and Elizabeth Krupinski
Vol. 10, No. 6 Global Health, Equity, Bias, and Diversity in AI in Medical Imaging
Judy W. Gichoya, Heather Whitney, Rui C. Sa, and Ronald Summers
Vol. 10, No. 5 Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging for Clinical Practice
Claudia Mello-Thoms, Karen Drukker, Sian Taylor-Phillips, Khan Iftekharuddin, and Marios Gavrielides
Vol. 10, No. S1 Medical Image Perception and Observer Performance
Elizabeth A. Krupinski, Asli Kumcu, and Karla Evans
Vol. 10, No. S2 Advances in Breast Imaging
Hilde Bosmans, Alistair Mackenzie, Nicholas Marshall, Robert Marti, and Reyer Zwiggelaar
Vol. 9, No. S1 Celebrating 50 Years of SPIE Medical Imaging
Maryellen Giger and Ronald Summers
Vol. 9, No. 5 Advances in High-Dimensional Medical Image Processing
Ivana Isgum, Bennet Landman, and Tomaž Vrtovec
Vol. 9, No. 3 Hard X-Ray Tomography with Micrometer Resolution
Bert Mueller, Stuart R. Stock, Ge Wang, and Jovan Brankov
Vol. 8, No. 5 Celebrating X-Ray Computed Tomography at 50
Norbert Pelc, Rebecca Fahrig, and Patrick La Riviere
Vol. 8, No. 4 2D and 3D Imaging: Perspectives in Human and Model Observer Performance
Claudia Mello-Thoms, Craig Abbey, and Elizabeth A. Krupinski
Vol. 8, No. S1 COVID Medical Imaging Research
Maryellen Giger
Vol. 8, No. 3 Radiogenomics in Prognosis and Treatment
Karen Drukker, Hui Li, and Despina Kontos
Vol. 7, No. 4 Virtual Clinical Trials
Paul Kinahan, Andrew Maidment, Robert M. Nishikawa, and Ehsan Samei
Vol. 7, No. 3 Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Nuclear Medicine, PET, and CT
Scott Metzler, Samuel Matej, and J. Webster Stayman
Vol. 7, No. 3 Interventional and Surgical Data Science
Amber L. Simpson and Michael I. Miga
Vol. 7, No. 2 Medical Image Perception and Observer Performance
William F. Auffermann, Trafton Drew, and Elizabeth A. Krupinski
Vol. 7, No. 1 Evaluation Methodologies for Clinical AI
Susan M. Astley, Weijie Chen, Kyle J. Myers, and Robert M. Nishikawa
Vol. 6, No. 3 Advances in Breast Imaging
Elizabeth A. Krupinski, Susan Astley, Robert Marti, Martin Tornai, and Reyer Zwiggelaar
Vol. 6, No. 2 3D Printing in Medical Imaging
Ehsan Samei and Joseph Lo
Vol. 6, No. 1 Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging
Elizabeth A. Krupinski, Patrick La Riviere, and Paul Kinahan
Vol. 5, No. 3 Medical Image Perceptions and Observer Performance
Elizabeth A. Krupinski, Mia K. Markey, and Tamara Miner Haygood
Vol. 5, No. 2 Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling
Michael I. Miga and Amber L. Simpson
Vol. 5, No. 1 Quantitative Imaging Methods and Translational Developments–Honoring the Memory of Dr. Larry Clarke
Robert Nordstrom, Darrell Tata, Lawrence Schwartz, Lubomir Hadjiyski, and Maryellen Giger
Vol. 4, No. 4 Radiomics and Deep Learning
Despina Kontos, Ron Summers, and Maryellen Giger
Vol. 4, No. 3 Visions of Safety: Perspectives on Radiation Exposure and Risk in Medical Imaging
Ehsan Samei and Christoph Hoeschen
Vol. 4, No. 2 Digital Pathology
Metin N. Gurcan, Anant Madabhushi, and John Tomaszewski
Vol. 4, No. 1 Development, Challenges, and Opportunities of Positron Emission Tomography
Norbert J. Pelc, Paul E. Kinahan, and Roderic I. Pettigrew
Vol. 3, No. 1 Medical Image Perception and Observer Performance
Elizabeth A. Krupinski
Vol. 2, No. 4 Radiomics and Imaging Genomics
Sandy Napel and Maryellen Giger
Vol. 1, No. 3 Pioneers in Medical Imaging: Special Section Honoring the Memory of Robert F. Wagner
Kyle Myers and Weijie Chen

JMI continued to grow even through the COVID-19 pandemic and has now amassed the publication of 1191 journal papers, with a steady acceptance rate of 40% and a current Impact Factor of 2.4.

I am appreciative of my two advisory editors, Harrison Barrett and Norbert Pelc, especially when Norbert graciously took over as Editor-in-Chief during 2018, while I served as the President of SPIE.

I would especially like to thank the more than 50 medical imaging experts from around the world who have served JMI as editorial board members (Table 2) – with their service to the journal ranging from several months to nearly a decade. Some of my most enjoyable JMI memories are when the JMI editorial board would gather for a meal and brainstorm special section topics for the upcoming year – the enthusiasm and innovation of these individuals were contagious.

Table 2

JMI editorial board members, current and former.

Editorial Board MemberStatus
Aaron FensterAssociate Editor
Aaron WardAssociate Editor
Anant MadabhushiRetired, 2022
Barjor GimiAssociate Editor
Bennett LandmanAssociate Editor
Christoph HoeschenAssociate Editor
Claudia Mello-ThomsAssociate Editor
Craig AbbeyRetired, 2018
Cristian A. LinteAssociate Editor
David WilsonAssociate Editor
Despina KontosAssociate Editor
Ehsan SameiAssociate Editor
Elizabeth KrupinskiRetired, 2022
François BochudRetired, 2022
Harrison BarrettAdvisory Editor
Heather WhitneyAssociate Editor
Huabei JiangRetired, 2022
Hui LiAssociate Editor
Irina VoiculescuAssociate Editor
J. Michael FitzpatrickRetired, 2016
Jayashree Kalpathy-CramerAssociate Editor
Jeffrey SiewerdsenRetired, 2022
John TomaszewskiAssociate Editor
John WeaverAssociate Editor
Joseph ReinhardtRetired, 2020
Josien PluimRetired, 2019
Jovan BrankovAssociate Editor
Karen DrukkerAssociate Editor
Katherine AndrioleAssociate Editor
Kensaku MoriAssociate Editor
Kevin ClearyRetired, 2014
Khan IftekharuddinAssociate Editor
Kyle MyersAssociate Editor
Lei XiAssociate Editor
M. Emre CelebiRetired, 2023
Maria LawAssociate Editor
Marios GavrielidesAssociate Editor
Marius George LinguraruRetired, 2023
Martin P. TornaiAssociate Editor
Marvin DoyleyAssociate Editor
Maryam RettmannAssociate Editor
Matthew KupinskiAssociate Editor
Metin GurcanAssociate Editor
Michael MigaAssociate Editor
Milica MedvedRetired, 2018
Murray LoewAssociate Editor
Nico KarssemeijerRetired, 2019
Norbert J. PelcAdvisory Editor
Olivier SalvadoAssociate Editor
Patrick LaRiviereAssociate Editor
Paul KinahanAssociate Editor
Raj ShekharAssociate Editor
Rebecca FahrigAssociate Editor
Robert M. NishikawaAssociate Editor
Ronald M. SummersAssociate Editor
Rui SaAssociate Editor
Sandy NapelAssociate Editor
Sebastien OurselinAssociate Editor
Stephen AylwardRetired, 2021
Stephen GlickAssociate Editor
Susan AstleyAssociate Editor
Thomas DesernoAssociate Editor
Timothy CarrollRetired, 2023
Tomaz VrtovecAssociate Editor
Weijie ChenAssociate Editor
Xiaochuan PanRetired, 2020
Yan ChenAssociate Editor

I am also grateful to the SPIE staff who have diligently worked with me and the AEs to make JMI a premier medical imaging journal. I have been impressed with everyone’s dedicated efforts and interactions, and also their creative JMI covers featuring innovative medical imaging technologies.

I now turn over this fulfilling role as JMI’s Editor-in-Chief to Bennett Landman of Vanderbilt University. I have great confidence in him and, with excitement, look forward to the future growth of JMI. I thank all of you for giving me the honor and privilege of serving as your Editor-in-Chief of JMI for the past decade.

© 2023 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Maryellen Giger "Passing the JMI Torch: Thank You to the Medical Imaging Community for our Amazing Journey," Journal of Medical Imaging 10(6), 060101 (15 December 2023).
Published: 15 December 2023
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