1 March 1965 Spacecraft Film System for Planetary Photography
Albert W Spitzak
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The mission restraints on a planetary orbital reconnaissance mission will be discussed with particular consideration given to a Mars Voyager type vehicle in the late 60's - early 70's. The mission restraints will then be used to compare two possible systems that can be used: a TV-tape recorder combination, and a photographic system. The problems particular to a photographic system will be expanded upon and the methods to be used in their solution elucidated. Particular among these problems are those associated with the film processing and the protection of the film and developer during the long Earth-Mars transit time. Under investigation is a web type processing machine that has special features to help solve this problem. The machine design will be discussed and some results presented. Discussion of necessary further improvements of this device and development of the other necessary system components may be included if time permits.
Albert W Spitzak "Spacecraft Film System for Planetary Photography," Optical Engineering 3(3), 303100 (1 March 1965). https://doi.org/10.1117/12.7971302
Published: 1 March 1965
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