1 May 2003 Deformations in wide, center-notched, thin panels, part II: finite element analysis and comparison to experimental measurements
Jeffrey D. Helm, Michael A. Sutton, Stephen R. McNeill
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Finite element analyses, for comparison with the experimental measurements, were performed for each panel described in Part I. Results indicate that (a) for the 305- and 610-mm panels, the finite element predictions and global experimental measurements for two of the displacement components, U(x, y, 0.80 mm) and W(x, y, 0.80 mm), are in good agreement throughout the panel, (b) for the 305- and 610-mm panels, the finite element predictions for the vertical displacement field V(x, y, 0.80 mm) are ~5% lower than the measurements throughout the panel, (c) for the 1016-mm panel, the finite element predictions did not match the experimental measurements due to the specimen slipping in the grip fixtures, as shown in the full-field measurements, resulting in significant changes in the measured panel deformations, and (d) for all three panels, the local finite element predictions for the in-plane strain components, ∈xx, ∈xy, and ∈yy, including the overall trends in both the size and shape of the large strain regions, are in quantitative agreement with experimental results. In summary, results indicate that an appropriate finite element method, capable of predicting the deformations observed in the structures to be modeled, will be effective in modeling the overall behavior of wide, flawed panels up to the onset of flaw growth. Furthermore, the combination of finite element analysis and three-dimensional measurements for accurate prediction of displacement boundary conditions is shown to be a viable hybrid approach for predicting flawed panel response.
©(2003) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Jeffrey D. Helm, Michael A. Sutton, and Stephen R. McNeill "Deformations in wide, center-notched, thin panels, part II: finite element analysis and comparison to experimental measurements," Optical Engineering 42(5), (1 May 2003). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.1566002
Published: 1 May 2003
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Finite element methods

3D modeling

Optical engineering

Shape analysis

3D metrology


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