1 January 2005 Region merging using homogeneity and edge integrity for watershed-based image segmentation
Sergio E. Hernandez, Kenneth E. Barner, Yu Yuan
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A new joint region-merging criterion for watershed-based image segmentation is proposed. The proposed method combines, in a weighted fashion, criteria based on region homogeneity and edge integrity, which have each been applied separately in image and video segmentation with some success. However, each criterion has shown some significant drawbacks when applied independently. The new criterion takes joint advantage of these two methods, giving a final segmentation that is more visually appropriate. Additionally, a nonlinear pre- and postfiltering procedure is proposed for reducing oversegmentation in the watershed algorithm. This procedure preserves the location of the watershed boundaries and yields a merging procedure that requires fewer steps to produce a final segmentation. Experimental results are presented showing the advantages of the new merging criterion and the pre- and postfiltering method.
©(2005) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Sergio E. Hernandez, Kenneth E. Barner, and Yu Yuan "Region merging using homogeneity and edge integrity for watershed-based image segmentation," Optical Engineering 44(1), 017004 (1 January 2005). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.1830042
Published: 1 January 2005
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Cited by 27 scholarly publications.
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Image segmentation

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Optical engineering

Image filtering

Gaussian filters

Linear filtering



Edge and corner preserving smoothing for artistic imaging
Proceedings of SPIE (February 27 2007)

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