1 June 2011 Megapixel digital InSb detector for midwave infrared imaging
Lior Shkedy, Tuvy Markovitz, Zipora Calahorra, Itay Hirsh, Itay Shtrichman
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Since the late 1990s Semiconductor devices (SCDs) has developed and manufactured a variety of InSb two-dimensional (2D) focal plane arrays (FPAs) that were implemented in many infrared (IR) systems and applications. SCD routinely manufactures both analog and digital InSb FPAs with array formats of 320×256, 480×384, and 640×512 elements, and pitch size in the range 15 to 30 µm. These FPAs are available in many packaging configurations, including fully integrated detector-Dewarcooler-assembly, with either closed-cycle Stirling or open-loop Joule-Thomson coolers. In response to a need for very high resolution midwave IR (MWIR) detectors and systems, SCD has developed a large format 2D InSb detector with 1280×1024 elements and pixel size of 15 µm. The ROIC is fabricated in CMOS 0.18-µm technology, that enables the small pixel circuitry and relatively low power generation at the focal plane. The digital ROIC has an analog to digital (A/D) converter per-channel and allows for full frame readout at a rate of 100 Hz. Such on-chip A/D conversion eliminates the need for several A/D converters with fairly high power consumption at the system level. The digital readout, together with the InSb detector technology, lead to a wide linear dynamic range and low residual nonuniformity, which is stable over a long period of time following a nonuniformity correction procedure. A special Dewar was designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions while minimizing the contribution to the heat load of the detector. The Dewar together with the low power ROIC, enable a megapixel detector with overall low size, weight, and power with respect to comparable large format detectors. A variety of applications with this detector make use of different cold shields with different f-number and spectral filters. In this paper we present actual performance characteristics of the megapixel InSb detector and demonstrate its high manufacturability.
©(2011) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Lior Shkedy, Tuvy Markovitz, Zipora Calahorra, Itay Hirsh, and Itay Shtrichman "Megapixel digital InSb detector for midwave infrared imaging," Optical Engineering 50(6), 061008 (1 June 2011). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.3572163
Published: 1 June 2011
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Readout integrated circuits

Staring arrays

Infrared sensors

Modulation transfer functions


Nonuniformity corrections


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