12 March 2012 Lateral resolution challenges for triangulation-based three-dimensional imaging systems
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Lateral resolution is a particularly challenging concept to quantify in triangulation-based three-dimensional (3-D) imaging systems. We present these challenges, then describe an artifact-based methodology for evaluating the lateral resolution of a triangulation-based 3-D imaging system that uses laser spots or laser lines. In particular, the response of a 3-D imaging system to a spatial discontinuity (step edge) has traditionally been modeled as a first-order linear system. We model the response of a triangulation-based laser imaging system to a spatial step edge from first principles and demonstrate that the response should be modeled as a non linear system. This model is then used as a basis for evaluating the lateral (structural) resolution of a triangulation-based laser imaging system.
© 2012 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) 0091-3286/2012/$25.00 © 2012 SPIE
David K. MacKinnon, Jean-Angelo Beraldin, Luc Cournoyer, Michel Picard, and Francois Blais "Lateral resolution challenges for triangulation-based three-dimensional imaging systems," Optical Engineering 51(2), 021111 (12 March 2012). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.OE.51.2.021111
Published: 12 March 2012
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Cited by 9 scholarly publications.
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Imaging systems

Image resolution


3D image processing

3D modeling


Spatial resolution


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